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Opinion about images/variations, etc.

  • Good idea 113
  • I'm not sure I've grasped it. 5
  • Nah, buddy, keep it the same, and let's see how it goes... 7
  • 2023-11-12
  • 125 votes
{'title': 'Opinion about images/variations, etc.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Good idea', 'votes': 113}, {'text': "I'm not sure I've grasped it. ", 'votes': 5}, {'text': "Nah, buddy, keep it the same, and let's see how it goes...", 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 12, 13, 24, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 125}


I was thinking... and maybe you'll agree with me... that I think all characters up to date... should have their own m/m sub-branch... I mean, take advantage of the reputation, intelligence, and fame stats... and if femininity doesn't exceed 30... show m/m images. This would also serve for the gif aspect... because obviously, it doesn't make sense that if you have femininity at 60, when Sasha "collects your rent," an m/m scene is displayed. I mention this to avoid changing the images but rather alternate them and reinforce immersion in the game. I'm conducting this survey because the question is... Would you like all characters to start having m/m sub-options... without altering their femininity... and if you increase femininity, it continues as it is now? I don't know if you noticed, but Sasha would be proof of that. At first, he wants to dominate you alone, but then he joins the chef as femininity increases. Now we have Vito, who disappears directly when you go past 30. With this, I mean that the m/m sub-plot could be based on fame, reputation, intelligence, and actions with these characters, creating something unique within another branch. In other words, if you have passed 30 femininity, it's the point of no return for the cross/siss route. However, if you don't reach 30, and your intelligence, etc., goes down, m/m sub... I also want to add that someone new messes up your fortitude. So with this, we would have a very strong foundation already well established to create the m/m sub-route. I don't know what you think, and this survey will be global. It's more about images/future events, so the question is -> Would you like, for example, the nerd to have that sub-branch of just trying to humiliate you, make you dumb, and m/m sub... and with the chef, humiliate you, etc., without transforming you? Sasha would be very similar to what he does in the back of the yard... and Ismael his own m/m route, like what he does on the football field... I don't know if I'm explaining myself... what I mean is that I could add a bunch of m/m sub-events, in addition to the ones already done, and those of feminization, increasing early content and expanding the life of the game. And on top of that, it could condition the gifs, which would make my job easier... and well, the question is: IS THIS A GOOD IDEA, OR DO WE CONTINUE AS WE ARE NOW?



I so wish I knew how to help you in the mechanics. I wonder if there are other game developers to ask? Is that a no-no? I don't know if the community is so highly competitive. In video production and editing, I am asking questions all the time of other professionals out in the field. They are usually quite gracious and very helpful. Having played other games that attempt this gray area split, there are usually some mistakes that happen where, "whoops, I am playing on one route, and an accidental different route gif or images appear. Yes, it might break the immersion, but the game is under development. For me, I don't care.(unless it was the virtual opposite route) Broken links are my least favorite. Still, accidents happen and I am understanding enough. In the great scheme of "games under development", this would be like having a hot body(entire game) with a few hairs out of place. I'm not going to kick you out of bed in a huff. I will gently let you know I think there is a mistake, and hope others would too. Last thought.... I am in prison with a bunch of dudes who are all bigger, and tougher, and also outnumber me. I am pretty much along for the ride they are giving me. So long as I'm not completely femmed out, then suddenly get the strength to overpower Sasha or one of the gangs in the shower, my immersion will stay in tact. I pretty much have to look and act like I am told.