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+Corrected several text errors related to her/his...

+Added 6 new scenes: 2 non-sexual but somewhat humiliating

scenes during meals, and 2 sexual scenes in the same

timeframe if you reject the proposition.

+Added 1 more scene in the showers.

+The surprise! New character introduced!😁

+Added 1 introduction in Sasha's cell. Read it carefully; it might

hint at something about their preferences. Note that this

character will be available at most until you reach a femininity

level of 30. In other words, this content is M/M SUB

complementary, so for now, it's there. All their scenes are

repetitive until you reach that limit.

Who could the new character be?...

+1 random scene with the nerd in her "testing your intellectual abilities."

+Added to the guide, the new character with their interactions for now.

And now....Well, many will say, "You've only added 1 more scene to the cross-sissy route," and I'll say, "That's true... but... next week, I'm going to focus solely on that section, creating a minimum of 8 scenes. The following week, I'll concentrate only on the m/m sub part, crafting another minimum of 8 scenes. This patch needed to lower the character's intelligence a bit more, introduce a new character, and add some m/m content. Tomorrow, I'll open a survey throughout the week to ask a global question about all the characters, which you might find interesting. I'll explain it tomorrow or the day after in its respective post. Returning to why the patch is like this... it's because next week, I want to focus on the old librarian. I think it's time for him to appear. So, let's say I was thinking of a... new job. This character will have interactions with you, a new segment to make the character more stupid. It will be more convenient for me to focus solely on that to improvise the scenes with this character. That's why this patch emphasizes more m/m sub-content because I want to take another step with the cross-sissy route next. I want to expand more into those areas and see how it goes. That's all. In the next 2 days, I will create a survey for everyone, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. And here are the links:

https://workupload.com/file/FmnwLSNHxns ->WORK 

https://mega.nz/file/9K9SBaxQ#61sTvn4yPyGbkSeWRvi_1oxwtjFjVuqX3gm18cQRBFE ->MEGA

https://mega.nz/file/RXtT1Awa#n2j59mZUi3lCBdSlrjPyMb02FE2m_Z36pbLkkin4i04 ->BUGFIX CAFETERIA).




I have reuploaded the game because... a user wrote to me on a forum, and it's true that there was a variable in the stepfather's line misspelled. That's why you might not have seen more scenes... but it's fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Love the game but ive come across a bug, when in the Cafeteria and i've eaten, there is no button to progress.


I removed the button to return to the cafeteria, is that it? Because the event with Vito doesn't advance the time... is that it? (Anyway, I'm looking for the bug to see if it triggers. If I find it, I'll correct it as soon as possible.)