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I know it's not a proper patch since there are only four more events for the dominant route, and they involve the Nerd. To access them, you know the drill: spend a day in prison, ignoring the chef and other events, follow Sasha's advice, and this time you'll counterattack him. After that, you go to the library, sit next to him, and he'll give you access to his cell. There, you'll find four random events. You'll need to complete all of them because I've added an intelligence variant to the Nerd, and another one that's for a different branch in the future, and these two are hidden. With that said, what can you expect from the Dom route if it's eventually voted for? (The majority of the higher-tier Patreons haven't voted yet, but I hope that at least 22 will have voted by Tuesday; we have 15 votes, just over half.) What can you expect? Well, a ton of dominant M/M content. I'll try to make the scenes variable from each other, and I'd also try to create the counterpart to what I've been doing so far, meaning, progressing in reverse with all the characters. What happens if the secondary vote, which is currently leaning towards sub/sissy content, becomes the most voted again? Apart from advancing the Nerd's route this way, I'd progress it with double content, including its two variants. This way, I hope everyone will be happy. There's nothing more to add for now; here are the links. Next week, I'll be able to dive into this with enthusiasm, I think. Thanks for your support! Links: 

https://workupload.com/file/2RHKth3KphX ->WORK

https://mega.nz/file/VHFk3TaA#Z6OnKthnModIK0KpxS_A6J74VK6jnUBgRZxDkNk1Mlc ->MEGA




hey Hii ^^ i did dwnld it but saddly i can't see any picture i was hoping if you know how to fix that please ?


Don't you see any images? I mean, the game runs, and you don't get any images? What system are you using? (I will work on fixing that issue.)