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Hello! How's it going? Between paperwork and the "flu" I caught...you know... , I'm a bit pressed for time. However, this evening, around 8 PM, I'll start adding scenes to the dominant route for now, as it's the most voted option at 40%, and it also aligns with the sub M/M route, which is one of the top choices. I know it's not the patch you were expecting, but I'll try to create four dominant scenes involving the Nerd and add some more variants to play with in the future. I hope you're doing well, and thanks for your support. I'll do my best to release the patch as I mentioned. And, most importantly, thanks a lot for the GIF websites; there's a variety of content, and I'm really happy about it! 😄




Alright, folks, here's what I'm working on right now. In the dominant route, you know that if you manage to get past the first event with the chef or simply skip it and head straight for the Nerd in the library, you'll easily win by following Sasha's advice, right? And if you then sit next to him in the library, his cell will unlock. Well, in his cell, there will be four random events—two of them mental with adult content and two involving humiliation towards him. So, these four events will be M/M. I know it's not an excuse, but at least it would partially fulfill what's been seen in both polls. I'm sorry I couldn't create four additional scenes, but I have a really bad flu, and I'm quite overwhelmed. Next week, at least, after seeing the poll results on Tuesday, I'll announce what will be the focus for the rest of the month—the main story arcs. But don't worry because I know you might be thinking, "Hey, the results came out on the 12th." So, for next month, I'll do the same, making up for this week. Alright, I'm off to find the GIFs and create the scenes! 😉


in 1 hour... new update with Dom content and 12 new gifs... so prepare for... 0.34.1D