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It was just like Natalie had listened to Mistress talking. The girl was a farm girl from the region, but she wanted to have high education in the capital. Unfortunately, her parents objected to her plan, and she ended up funding her education with shitty jobs and student loans. She had a huge loan at the end of school but no job or return to her home village. She had likely been hunting for a rich foreign boyfriend to solve her problem, but time ran against her. Natalie can see that there were only very few items shepherds stored for the time she would spend in slavery. But Natalie was already able to understand that her slavery would last long. Maybe it would be permanent. Slavers were very good at inventing excuses to reduce the amount that was reducing dept of indentured servants. 

Same time Natalie was reading information about former Miss Nazarian, she could not help herself feel lucky as she was born into slavery. But, of course, there was also luck with her Master. She had schooling until professional college. Even university could have been possible if old Master had not died and she was not sold to Gayane. Comparing her background with the life of free citizens made their lives look very complex and scary. From Natalie's point of view, it looked like many citizens chose life in slavery instead of freedom. And what was freedom? They worked from morning to night to earn enough money to cover basic needs. 




so much easier to be cared for and being cherished