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"Please don't hurt her!" Doucette shouted. She was scared when she realized that both women were in a fighting mood. Her friends Hadine and Maja were their closest people in the court. Hadine was already at the end of her military academy, but she still lived in the castle with the princesses when she had free time. Maja was starting her studies at university, and she was very excited about that. Hadine was a kind of protector to princesses, and sometimes Doucette thought she was from the security police. When Doucette wanted to do voluntary military service, Hadine was there with her, assigned by the military academy. Doucette enjoyed army time, although training for border reconnaissance troops was mostly walking in nature, sleeping in tents, and frying sausages on camp fire.

"Calm down, Hadine," Doucette said and placed her hands on her shoulder, "I don't want trouble with these people." Doucette had made much more observations than Hadine, who had put full effort to make their transport difficult. Storhem soldiers were beating them just for fun, and every time Doucette did something, they beat her sister. Now Dulcinea and Maja were safely in the cabin. They got water, food, and some first aid. 

"They work for enemies," Hadine answered short.

"They are different," Doucette answered. She knew she could talk them out of the trouble, but first, they had to get a connection with mercenaries. "They are not evil." 

Hadine laughed, but the blonde woman turned to Doucette and asked, "Can you make your friend behave? I can keep her sleeping until I can drop her to the shittiest cell on the ship?"

"I can, I promise," Doucette answered. 
