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"I know it has been rough days for you," Tuomo said. But, when he was looking at bruised girls with broken clothes, he was able to see that they didn't give up easily, and the attackers didn't give too much mercy to them. He was sure that Doucette had made the best fight she could do. 

"Take a sip from this," Tuomo said and lifted his glass on Doucettes lips. 

It was not just a small sip. Doucette never liked whiskey, but she didn't fight back and took a mouth full of alcohol. First, it burned her mouth and small wounds, then burned her throat and warmed her belly. 

Tapani was following how Tuomo was treating the princess. She was not their princess, but she was not a girl from the village. Tapani understood how bad the situation in the castle must have been. He watched the news where they told about the tragedy and how Storhem was ready to provide help and peacekeeper to Ahstad. Girls were bruised, and they didn't know what had happened to their families, and they didn't know what would happen to them in the future. Most likely, they had not understood that the Prince of Storhem took all human rights from them. They were now at the same level as any animal owned by a farmer. 

Tuomo made Doucette to dring whole glass. When he vent inside to fill the glass, Doucette spotted Hadine. They had cuffed her to the ladders going to the boat's roof. When the girls were handed over to Tapani and loaded into the boat, Hadine had made a fight. Doucette was very happy that she was not beaten anymore, and the mercenaries gave her and her sister new boots. Storhem soldiers took their shoes to stop them from running. 

Doucette was scared. Hadine was still in a fighting mood, and the female mercenary was pointing at her with a stun gun. Before Captain of mercenaries managed to stop her, or the old man returned, she ran to Hadine. 




Tapani is channeling Captain Piccard? (facepalm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2e2csDIPMw