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This one was planned to be one of the Doucettes dreams when she was tortured but I never used this. 

In the north, summer nights were long like shadows that low-hanging sun cast over the land. Yet, the new day began before the old ended, and nature flourished in constant brightness. The longest day of the summer was opposite to the darkest day of the winter. Both seasons had their celebrations. Shortly after the darkest day of the winter, it was possible to see that days were getting longer. The longer day marked that the wolf didn’t swallow the sun, and the new season was about to begin. It was time for celebration, sacrifice, and magic. Gods and spirits were close to the Midgard and moved among people. On the opposite was the midsummer celebration. The Midsummer celebration was when all the hard planting work was ready, and nature was in full blossom. The longest day of the summer was full of magic, feasting, drinking, and sex. It was the celebration of new life and the summer's growing season. When will-o'-the-wisps glow on the forest lakes and maidens of mist dance over water and fields, some people have a shamanistic celebration for the nature god Ukko.



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