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Naturally, he who entered the dungeon was Siyrik. A slave girl carrying some kind of device followed him. The man was measuring her with his eyes, and he enjoyed what he was seeing. Doucette had noticed how some men enjoyed looking at her naked body. Others were so used to naked slaves that they didn’t pay attention to her bareness. In the beginning, she felt shy, and she was insecure without clothes. Then she learned to be displayed naked like an animal. Doucette hated how men looked and talked about her and how they wanted to use her.

She was wondering what kind of torture he had prepared for her. Siyrik was generally very mean and enjoyed his superior position. Doucette respects Soldier, but she doesn’t know what to think about Siyrik. The Soldier was cruel when necessary, but he was always under control and knew what he was doing. She had observed how he enjoyed when he inflicted fear on the person he was torturing or how he enjoyed his role as a trainer.  However, Siyrik was a new guard. He was not a trainer, and Doucette didn’t know him in a way he knew Soldier. Siyrik enjoyed commanding slaves and driving them with a cane or whip from one place to another.

When Doucette was taken to the dungeon, she followed Siyrik’s lead nicely like sheep. She allowed him to shackle her without resistance. Of course, Doucette wanted to resist, but she followed Siyrik without the strength to make a fight. Her usual style was two guards brutally carrying kicking and screaming girl to the dungeon. Because Siyrik was common guard, Doucette was sure that the Soldier would come to continue after some time. Doucette was disappointed when it was Siyrik, but she was fearful because she didn’t know Siyrik and what he would do to her.



Fritz Sands

I am sure this will be educational for her.


I guess Krabert has decided better to have a marked, docile girl than a rebeliious slave. Let's hope they haven't decided to let her virginity go as well. I'm sure the brands will look attractive after they heal Doucette!