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While the person is alone in the dungeon, there is a lot of time to think about life and possible scenarios. Doucette is brave. Usually, she spends her time thinking about homeland and green forests. Usually, Doucette is missing cool, fresh air and the summer breeze from the north. But, now, she was not thinking about her homeland. This dungeon was old, damaged, and there were old torture devices. It looked like it was half abandoned. Dungeon alone was not enough to make Doucette worried. Usually, the torturer didn’t light all brazers or stick metals to the coal to get hot. But, now it was the first time they did so.

All this made Doucette’s imagination fly. The smoky, damaged, the old dungeon was scarier than her usual dungeon. So when she heard the door opening noises from the other end of a long corridor that led to the dungeon, she was alarmed and afraid. Whoever was entering might be a friendly slave bringing water for her or a torturer who came to do his bad. From guards, she was hoping he who entered was a Soldier. Although he was a brutal man who enjoyed teasing his slaves, he was not the worst. He was close to the First slave, and she had made him softer. Siyrik was much worst than Soldier.
