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I'm still getting questions about why I deleted my DeviantArt account.  The answer is that I didn't delete the account. The administrator removed it because it was judged to be harmful and potentially dangerous. Luckily I'm able to share harmful and potentially dangerous material on this site and Subscribestar. Www.emarukistan.club is the ultimate safe haven in a case similar decisions are made on other sites. 

I have created a lurker account to dA to follow some artists who are still there. I also wish they are not considered as not wanted in dA because of the big purge they are running against erotic art. 

The account is here: https://www.deviantart.com/emarukistan, but I plan to keep it empty because I don't want to give them my material compatible with the new purified dA. I will be posting in Artuntamed, Slushe, and in cruxforums. Renderotica is out because they removed my account. 


Dark Anubis

I must be small potatoes because they haven't been giving me problems.