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Ruk was following how Number two was sailing to her Master. She walked in a way like she was mistress of the palace, and younger slaves gave way to her when she entered. Jessa was drunk from the wine, but she knew her place. She was following with Ruk and Nurihi how Maria kissed her Master and kneeled in front of him. They knew Master would release them soon because he would be busy with his favorite bed slave. Maria knew how to entertain Master, and Jessa needed to learn from her because her place was not solid. Jessa could be just a small snack to her Master, and he would sell her away after he got bored with her.

Ruk was wondering if Jessa knew her situation. She was bossy to other slaves because of her position of Slave Number three… or at least soon to be Slave Number Three. Ruk and Nurihi didn’t know what was in her mind because she was sleeping in the Master’s room. They were guessing if she was allowed to sleep in the bed or was it Number two who slept with Master alone. At least Number One had her room. Her position was strong, although Master didn’t desire her to his bed.



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