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Hey, fellas!
I have been thinking about making two polls to see what my fanbase likes the most so I can try to do more of it. The best way I think is to do two main polls:
1- Favorite character poll: will help me determine which characters are most liked by you guys to potentially give them more screen time.
2- Favorite chapter poll: to see which style/vibe for chapters was the most popular so I can do something like that more often.
please note that only patrons with voting power can vote.
Lemme know what you think of the idea pls... :3



I'm not sure about needing a fav character poll, the wide cast attracts a wide player base and allows more possibilities in writing.


Actually, really good points there. Mostly I'd say the fav char one is just gonna make me more inclined to give a char a scene if the opportunity presents itself rather than my usual "Hey, this char hasn't had scenes in a while so let's give them something" which you guys might've noticed already XD The favorite chapter poll was meant in this way, so I tend to make mission chapters that have their own kinda independent plot, which is also kinda remotely connected to the main plotline ofc, these are quite flexible and in most of them, I could go for an action approach (like the oni story), a mystery approach (like mirror for example), or an investigation like approach (like the adventure in Esyl for example). So rather than actually change the plot altogether, I can just change the way it's presented. But I fully agree that it's a better idea to at least postpone the fav char poll for after the next chapter is released.