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I'm back with - you guessed it - more infographics! I cannot be stopped.

Someone on tumblr asked me where to start if they were interested in D&D, so of course I went off on one. For the past 2 weeks I've been chipping away at it, and now it's here. 

I plan on posting this eventually along with some resources for beginners - if you have a rec to good tutorials on things like building a character, please let me know! 

To my $10 Patrons: 

I know I have not replied to your comments/emails! I know and I am sorry. This is the next thing on my list, I swear. Life has just been a little too much. I am pretty sure I'll get them done on time though!




"Roll for existance" "Nat 1"


Nice. Also *rolls for luck check* D20: 9. Imma just go die

Res the Jackal

I like this :) also been on the fence but this helps ease my nerves


Who to fight, who to befriend, who to try to sleep with


I've never played D&D though was looking some stuff up about it after reading this. I found that some people have done D&D escape rooms, that's so cool!


I've always wanted to play D&D, never had the chance though, and given the current situation, I don't know when it will be possible. If any of you know of an online group, please let me know.