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(note: the audio is a track I hurriedly slapped together. Although by no means a work of art, I think it may add something to the atmosphere. :) Play it when you hit the lyrics part of the comic.)

I'll probably rework the music a bit before I make the official release as well because I'm still picking away at it, but I suppose it's good enough for now. :)

To those who will inevitably want the meaning behind the music, I will say this:

It's mostly about Greg's career! So you can extrapolate what you will.





Oh my stars, a comic update with music? What will you think of next?! I'm honestly speechless, thanks for putting in so much work!

Eliza-Azalea, Maid of Heart

This composition is really nice! It kinda makes me think of "I Could Never Be Ready"


I was wondering when the timeline diverged! So White Steven is probably a few years older than canon Pink Steven. Also, kind of curious, did you read any of the final artbook? How close was it to what you wrote for the Diamonds and Earl?


I think I mentioned it on tumblr recently but WD!Steven is about a year older than canon Steven. :) And no, I haven't gotten the book yet...


oh this was such a beautiful chapter. Steven asking for an autograph was so cute; I was wondering when he was going to find out.


Mmm i wonder if the music can be looped and play throughout the read because it added to the atmosphere of reading it. I love it.


The track definitely added a nice atmosphere while reading. I could feel what Steven was feeling this chapter. :)

Ville Olkkonen

I LOVE THIS!!! Rose is such a motherly precence towards Steven 😍 I think that the dynamic you have built for Rose, Steven and Greg is what would have been if Rose never went away and stayed in their lives to raise Steven. Your character building is S U P R E M E


So I got this in my inbox first and read it without the music but then I listened to the music and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH??????? Just it hit all the feels before but now hits even more. Steven with the starry eyes (also I did notice that you went 4-point WD style instead of 5-point classic Steven style). This really is just a beautiful update and dang you are talented! Can't wait for the next one!


The music reminds me of “I Could Never Be Ready.” I love it and I also love that I’ve noticed you’ve been branching out a bit! I love your art, ofc but I’ve noticed you trying different types of comic formats, like with the phones and now you’ve added music to something and I think that’s just so exciting


This is... Whistful. Magical. Make sme feel so strongly for whatever fate befell Mr. Universe after he actually made it big. I'm strongly suspect a strange lady all in white is somehow responsible for Mr. Universe becoming an outcast in the media scene. Somehow....


That final panel certainly looked like how a child would look running to his/her parent and god if that didn't get me tearing up just now

Victoria Goodwin

LOOOL THE MUSIC LIGNED UP PERFECTLY, IT ENDED JUST AS I REACHED THE END! Even with all the Webtoons I've read that have a music track, that's never happened before, so cool :OOO