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Woooo okay, this one is finally under 20 panels... and it's a bit of a breather for me. 

I made most of it while sleep deprived and exhausted, so if there's errors, please let me know!

What are Connie and Steven and Earl doing to each other's hair? Who knows. It's more of a bonding ritual than anything else. :) Sometimes you just gotta let your bffs play with your hair.



Michael Bent

Earls description of fusions seems awfully familiar 😬

Blake DeFriend

Sleep deprived art, where all artist end up eventually.


Love this


I needed to hear that part about guilt...


i think id actually kill for some garnet-connie interaction now that ive seen this.


One of the things I really appreciate about your writing is that you give the narrative and the characters space to breathe. So many writers (fanfic and mainstream) barely give their characters or readers time to process and just focus on ramping up tension and drama. For me, it's these quiet comfortable moments that make everything work. Kind of like how they say it's the space between the notes that makes music what it is <3


Thank you for saying so! I personally really love those moments as well. :) It's the kind of reflection we take in real life, and I really think it makes the adventures more impactful!


So sweet and good. Beautifully written.

Victoria Goodwin

anytime steven's hair is getting done is such a nice time


I just realized the symbolism of her braiding the two sides of his hair together while talking about Fusion and the chaos/harmony of it.

Keiko Vance

How did I miss this