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Alright, alright, all jokes aside, YES, I themed her after a steampunk-y pirate fashion. Look, I like what I like, alright? And popped collars are cool sometimes. Not often, but sometimes. 

Anyway, here's her form for you guys, exclusive to the $5 and above patrons for the time being! She'll be appearing in the next comic, so I realized halfway through drawing THAT that I had to actually design her. 

Sapphire's design is also shown for the first time, although she obviously appears in full color in EP47. Her form is based loosely on a sarafan. I didn't PLAN for it to be, but then I wanted Garnet to have poofy sleeves and it devolved from there.  




thank u for giving sapphire proper feet, her cross-sectioned geode skirt hem always raised logistical questions for me

Karolina Belomestnova

Uhhh... I’m a $2 patron, and I can see her right now... Also, I love Sapphire, her new dress and braid! Were you inspired by traditional Russian “sarafan” dresses by any chance? Gives me very strong vibes.


Yep, I updated the post to be visible to all Patreon patrons! :) And yes, that's exactly what I based it on!


My friend, fashion is cool when the person wearing it /makes/ it cool And Garnet is very cool ;)