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Man into Genderless Xenomorph Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 1st PoV

I walked through the strange corridors hoping to find a way out soon. Coming to the strange company and applying for a job was apparently a bigger mistake than I anticipated. I thought I had a bad enough day when they said that I was overqualified for the title of a simple secretary.

I was about to stop my search for a way out, the whole complex of buildings was such a labyrinth, especially from the inside. That’s when I heard a strange slimy noise behind me. I yelped and turned back to see where it came from.

My eyes widened in fright as I saw a dark hole form in one of the walls. “The fuck?!” – I muttered and took a step back. I knew I had to get the hell away from the potential danger, but at the same time the miraculous sight pinned my entire attention on itself. The slimy black hole on the wall was growing bigger, but it soon stopped and I calmed down a bit.

“Whew. I gotta take a photo of whatever that is. People won’t believe me!” – I said and quickly took out a phone, but as I looked at the wall again I froze in terror. A tentacle crawled out of the portal-like breach, just to suddenly start flailing wildly and flying in my direction.

“Oh God! Aaaah!” – I exclaimed in panic and started running towards one of the rooms. I barely managed to reach the doorhandle and that’s when I felt a cool, strong appendage wrap around me. “Nh-ah! No…! F-fuck off, get the fuck a-away from me!” – I yelled and pounded my fists against the bizarre growth.

The tentacle appeared to be kilometre long and yet it seemingly was alive too. What’s worse, I felt it’s grip tighten around me. I was starting to suffocate. “Nhhhhhh-aaaackh… H-he… Help…” – I groaned weakly. The pain was unbearable, but I had no air in lungs to scream with. Just then the tentacle stopped suffocating me.

I breathed in heavily, but I wasn’t free from my restraints. What’s worse I felt the oily ooze start to seep into my clothes- No. Into my very flesh. “Oh my G-God. What the fuck is happening? Guh!” – I grunted in pain as the oily substance began to fill me as if I were a sponge.

I prayed that whatever this substance was that it wasn’t harmful. I was gravely mistaken. I thought the strong grip the tentacle had on me was unpleasant. Now I felt like my entire circulatory system was filled with the disgusting black substance and it was burning my veins from inside them.

I whimpered weakly until I noticed that my light skin was starting to change hue. It was becoming bizarrely shiny, the rather soft human texture was turning into insensitive carapace of sorts. I wanted to puke as I saw root-like marks all over my body, they grew inside me and were spreading the changes further. However no matter how much I writhed, I wasn’t able to stop them.

“What the fuck’s happening to m-meee?! Stop it p-please…! It hh-huurth-ghrllllllsh…!” – I pleaded at the merciless aberration, until I was forced to stop as I puked out the contents of my stomach. I gurgled some more as I felt my organs twist and turn inside me. My stomach was burning as if it suddenly started producing far stronger digestive acids than ever before.

I felt my eyes tear up instinctively as I got entirely overwhelmed by hopelessness and pain. My body was greyish hue at the moment, but that rapidly changed as my flesh gradually turned completely black. I stared at my hands and arms as they began to crunch and pop, bizarre tendons started forming all over them – Inhuman and gruesome. In fact my entire body was remoulding itself into something horrid as my flesh became jet black and bio-mechanical in appearance.

“HU-UGHN!” – I gasped as air was suddenly expelled from my lungs. I felt four tiny slits open up on my back, above my lungs. I felt them clench and then start to push out into strange tubes of complex shapes. I closed my eyes from discomfort and unwillingness to see the disgusting growths that were my new respiratory system apparently.

I felt the air course through the strange tubes on my back, right into whatever remained of my mishappen lungs. My ribcage was reforming to suit my new organs. My eyes shot open as I felt my ribcage and most of my skeleton start to swell and stretch my rough flesh painfully. I gasped in horror as I saw my ribs start to push out further and then blacken as they fused with my forming exoskeleton.

I bit my lip from the stress, only to exclaim in pain as acidic blood oozed out of it right onto my tongue and teeth. I started freaking out and shaking my head violently as my acidic blood started burning my teeth and tongue, starting to change them into foul shapes just like the rest of my body.

My tongue started bloating and yet I felt it start to hollow out inside. A tunnel spanned from it and led deep into my changed stomach unbeknown to me. I winced and stuck out my deformed tongue as curiosity got the best of me. I almost bit it off when I saw what it turned into.

My tongue was a grotesque tube with fangs starting to push from it’s entrance as if it were a leech. I felt the disgusting growth wriggle in my mouth as if it had life on its own. In the meantime my teeth slowly eroded and then started to push out into harder, knife-like fangs. My lips have become thinner and jet black, almost non-existent.

The tentacle reacted to my changes and gave me more space, but didn’t let go of me yet. Even when I sank my new fangs into its flesh out of despair. I just continued to weep as my body continued to mutate further. I felt my entire form grow bigger and yet I lost all fat that I had on me. Only muscles and exoskeleton were left, or so it seemed.

I grabbed the door and tried to free myself with its help from the mad creature that made me regret my life choices. I was forced to let go of it as my spine began to writhe underneath my taut flesh. I bent over into a fetal position as sharp growth began to push out of my rear.

“GHHH-AHHHH…! Ghn-nhooooooo-ah!” – I screamed in pain as my spine lengthened and started to push out of my back forming ridged spines all over its line. In the meantime the spike above my ass continued to extend in several growth spurts. I felt it begin to move like a prehensile appendage. I shuddered as I realised that I was growing a tail with some kind of blade-like growth at its tip.

My clothing barely stayed on me until now, but the more I thrashed about and the longer my sharp tail grew, the less shreds of my former clothing remained on me. I felt more than uneasy as my jet black and inhuman flesh got completely exposed, especially my groin.

“Oh fff-uuuuuuuuuuckh-nhgah!” – I started moaning as my cock suddenly stiffened and forcefully ejaculated all of my human sperm. I was terrified enough by the fact that I was turning into a monster, but seeing my most private body part devolve into nothingness somehow made me even more afraid.

The soft flesh of my groin was forced to pull higher, closer to my abdomen. My testicles weren’t even sinking into me – I just felt them lose their structure and melt down into additional mass. I felt like I was losing my gender completely. My scrotum tightened against my groin and I saw my penis start to lose its length.

I grabbed it with both hands, but the effort was in vain. I didn’t even feel pleasure anymore from touching my cock. It was so inhuman and bizarre. I continued to stare at my manhood as it began to flatten against my groin too and disappear completely leaving my groin almost completely smooth except for the complex alien-like texture in some places. My bellybutton and nipples have dissolved completely by now as well.

I tried to sigh at the loss, but I wasn’t able to as the pain of the transformation continued to torment me. My legs ached like hell as they began to reform into something more fit for an animal, rather than a human. They crunched and bent back as the changes slowly focused their attention on my feet.

I kicked my legs against the tentacle as my toenails fell out and new ones started to form from the solid flesh at my toe tips. Claws began to extend, just like the bones of the feet themselves. I hissed in agony as my heels began to push back and form strange growths. My legs were becoming dog-like in shape, or rather digitigrade – Yet thanks to my complex form I was able to stand on two legs for now as the tentacle finally freed me from its grasp.

I rested my hands on the wall, only to see the fingers pop and lengthen. My fingernails fused with them as my fingers themselves turned into some sort of claws. My back cracked some more as it finished its changes along with my prehensile tail.

“Ohgr- Ohr tharnk ghrawhd… I’thr over… Waithr, n-nhi-YIIAAAAAGHHHH!” – I said through my deformed mouth, only to be interrupted by the biggest pain of my life. I clutched my head in agony as it began to swell bigger. All of my human hair started falling out as the back of my head began to bloat.

I clawed at my cranium as it continued to push out, the growth continued to expand and weight my head back. My face started burning as my flesh began to sizzle. “Nh-rhrhrhaa-GHHAAAGHSS” – I roared in pain as my eyes started to sink back into my head and dissolve. The jet black flesh began to fill my empty eye-sockets rapidly as my nose cartilage started to flatten against my face. My ears filled with flesh and then flattened against the sides of my smooth head.

My elongated, cylindrical head finished growing and my face became a terrifying visage not belonging to this planet, nor even this galaxy. I collapsed onto all fours as my transformation slowly ended. I felt like my human brain ceased to exist – I didn’t know whether I was still myself.

The tentacle hugged the back of my long head and then started to retreat into the black portal it came from. I shook my head in surprise slightly – I was able to see, but my vision was indescribably complex on so many levels.

Just then I heard voices and footsteps getting nearer. I instinctively hid into the dark, open office. I hissed quietly before becoming completely silent. “That idiot thought he could work with us. It didn’t matter what we told him – What mattered was what we told to Mike. We don’t want newcomers around here, this project and the entire company has too much renown to lose for some ambitious idiot.” – One of the men chuckled.

You had trouble focusing on more complex thoughts, but you knew that the humans mocked you. You knew it was wrong as they had more than one reason to fear you and cower before their brains would be eaten. You hissed in annoyance and jumped out of the office, then landed on all fours in front of the group of the scientists who didn’t want to employ you earlier. You were ready to feed your new form…


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