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Man into Male Lion Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Greg hummed as he brought the blades towards his face… He hesitated, but he knew he had to do it. He felt like doing it for a longer time now… The man had to shave his beard without a shaving gel.

With a sigh Greg started scraping off the mane off his face. After a while he stopped and looked at himself from up close in the mirror. He nodded in approval – He really came to appreciate the item.

It was weird mainly because it was advertised in such a cringy way, that he barely decided to buy it. The package had a cartoony lion on it. “Because both men and lions grow manes. Hilarious…” – Greg scoffed and started shaving the other side of his face.

The whole process was itchy, in fact more than usual. Greg winced as he spotted several tiny yellow spots all over his face. They kept multiplying and then gradually growing out into short hair that kept getting denser with each passing second.

“I drank too much yesterday or what?” – He muttered to himself as he started shaving the strange yellowish hair. Deep inside Greg hoped that he was mistaken, that his eyesight deceived him.

Instead the itchiness kept spreading and encompassing Greg’s entire head. His scalp started to hurt almost. The man bit his lip and grabbed his head with one hand. “What the fuck?! My hair!” – Greg exclaimed as he pulled a clump of loose hair off his head.

Greg’s heart started beating faster and the man threw the trimmer aside. The man brought his face closer to the mirror as his vision became blurrier. Greg squinted to see his head, to know what was going on, but his eyes kept deceiving him as they started to change.

The man’s pupils were painfully stretching into vertical slits, while his irises gradually turned amber in colour. Greg’s vision became sharper, but in a much narrower width. Greg sneezed and almost hit the glass with his balding head. His human nose was popping and tilting forward, the shape became more triangular and the colour changed to dark red.

“I gotta get help…! But- This is so freaky… People can’t see me like this.” – Greg complained as his head started to hurt, especially at the top. His braincase was forcefully getting flattened, which soon forced the brain itself to shift into a smaller and more primal shape. “Ghhhhawhd! M-make it stop-agh!” – Greg screamed as the worst migraine of his life hit his head.

As Greg’s head gradually gained a more feline shape, his ears started relocating higher on it. Their flesh became more pliable and the cartilage started becoming thinner and softer. The flesh started to stretch and form distinct round, feline ears. Greg gasped as he saw them in the mirror – To which they flicked attentively.

“Oh fuck, I-I’m starting to look like a… No. This is insane!” – He exclaimed in confusion and despair as his human teeth started loosening in his gums. In a matter of seconds they all spilled out from Greg’s agape mouth. Greg barely had enough strength to comment on that, the process was so bizarre and yet so certain – Deep down he knew what he was turning into.

As if to reward Greg for this guess his gums started to bleed and throb painfully as new pearly dentition started to come out. Greg stared at his reflection in horror, his mouth was gradually filling with many sharp and animalistic fangs. Greg also noticed how his lips became gummy and black, while most of his oral interior turned darker to supposedly protect it from sunlight.

Greg gulped in uncertainty about his fate. He felt like he was losing balance. He was on the verge of passing out in fact. Especially as he realised that his entire head was covered in yellowish or light brown fur. What’s worse some of it around what used to be his face started elongating to such extent that it actually became more of a mane than anything.

Greg took a step back, he knew that his phone was nearby, but his spine started to cramp so hard that it was paralysing. Greg started groaning in pain as his vertebrae started pushing against the skin of his back. The man was forced to lean over forward, his entire skeleton was shifting dramatically.

Any fat that Greg had in his legs started diminishing, which made his shorts fall down to his knees and expose his most private parts to his sigh. Despite the pain and outlandish changes, to Greg’s utter disgust his manhood was painfully erect. Or was it caused by the changes and he had no say in this?

“Guh! W-what now…?!” – Greg yelped as he raised his ass higher in the air. A fleshy protrusion started to form above his buttocks. It slowly gained a more defined shape of a stubby tail, but not for long. It kept growing and swinging madly, reflecting Greg’s distressed mood. Greg’s eyes widened as he looked back and saw his tail reach its final length.

It was itching since it started its growth as fur started growing all over it. The fur on the tip grew longer and formed a sort of iconic tuft. Greg closed his eyes and clenched his buttocks as he felt them start to ache. All the fat in them was burning and disappearing, replaced by muscles and pure strength.

Greg squinted his eyes harder as he felt his butthole start to shift as well. It was forced to move closer towards the base of his tail into a more feral position. Soon similar changes forced Greg’s penis and testicles to migrate closer towards his repositioned anus.

Greg’s scrotum started tightening around his balls, practically forcing them to shrink and turn rounder. “Ngh-aaaahn!” – Greg moaned out at the top of his lungs as he came abruptly. He thrusted his hips in the air as his balls got completely emptied of human seed.

This was enough to make Greg open his eyes, to see the mess he made on the tiles below. “F-fuck… It’s not-nh… Not stopping-ghhn-ah!” – Greg moaned lustfully as his rock-hard penis started to pulsate and dwindle in size.

For a moment Greg’s shaft became too small for his foreskin, but then that too began to change drastically. Greg winced as he felt his foreskin rapidly pull back and leave his cock bare. The shifting flesh that used to be foreskin tightened and started forming a feline sheath around Greg’s cock.

“Ugh! N-not my c-cock…!” – Greg pleaded as his penis continued to shorten, but by now it also started changing shape. The crown fused with the shaft. The tip itself sharpened and became pointy. Many almost transparent barbs began to sprout from Greg’s shrunken shaft. His cock started leaking precum as its changes slowly ebbed and left it fully feline.

“Oh Ghrod, I hravhe- Urh- Mhrah vrohs! Nhro-awhr!” – Greg started freaking out as even his voice began to alter and turn into wild roars and snarls. Greg grabbed his neck and felt it grow thicker with muscles.

Soon after this the undersides of his hands and palms began to bloat and turn numb. Greg shivered and outstretched his arms in front of him. His hands were crunching madly and reshaping into simpler forms to Greg’s utter horror. His fingers were shortening and turning stubbier.

A sort of webbing formed between them and further limited their movements. Greg tried to flex his paw-like hands, but this just accelerated the changes and forced his thumbs to retreat higher on his former hands. Greg whimpered as his fingernails fell out one by one and got soon replaced by sharp, curved and retractable claws.

“Ghreeelhp! I’mhr- I’mrhawrh-thru thruaawrhr!” – Greg growled like an injured lion as his ribcage began to stretch and turn rounder. His nipples shrank somewhat and many new ones formed underneath them. The golden brown fur covered most of Greg’s body by now as it kept spreading and getting denser.

Greg meowled and tripped over his own boxers. He instinctively landed on all fours and arched his spine as his pelvis painfully tilted forward. His hips were becoming narrower and his legs started painfully shortening. Greg tried to reach the sink to get up, but he wasn’t even able to bend enough to do that.

Panting hard the former man succumbed to the remaining changes. His tongue started getting rougher as miniscule spines started forming all over it, helpful for grooming. Greg tried to say something, anything, but his throat wasn’t able produce anything that would sound remotely human.

The changing man groaned as his insides kept twisting and churning unpleasantly. His stomach was pulled upward and flaps of skin slowly began to connect its sides to Greg’s changing upper legs. Greg felt his feet pop into paw-like shapes. Sharp claws began to push out of the tips of his toes.

The changes slowly came to an end as Greg’s face painfully spilled forward into a strong big cat’s muzzle. The man roared like an actual lion for the first time as his face cracked and popped into its new shape completely.

He was ashamed of how much his balls stuck out behind him. He saw it in the mirror, he felt it with his tail. It was all new to him. Just like his new voice, new extremities and new tail. Greg felt overly confused with what his body became.

He saw lions in many documental videos, but he never saw one up close. His case was even more drastic as he became a lion himself. Would he be taken to a zoo? Would he be experimented on? Greg started meowling in distress again.

Suddenly the door to Greg’s flat opened. Greg growled in shock as he heard his girlfriend. “Greg? What was that noise?” – She asked rather worried. Greg was actually happy – Finally someone who would help him, comfort him.

Greg ran out of the bathroom and he saw his girlfriend staying there with groceries. Greg opened his maw eagerly, at which the woman dropped the bag from her hand. She started trembling and backing away from the lion slowly approaching her. 

“Jess, it’s me! Please, calm down!” – Greg tried to say, but once again growled instead. Greg lowered his head in sadness. The woman finally started to sense that something was wrong about this lion. She hesitated for a moment and was about to run out of the room, but the curiosity got the best of her. “G-Greg…?” – She asked the strangely docile lion.


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