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Man into Male Tiger Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Damian thrashed in his bed, having strange nightmares and visions during his slumber. He normally didn’t even had dreams, while this time was different and felt strangely real.

He dreamed of his body painfully changing into something alien. What was interesting was Damian’s fascination in so called transformation art. He normally enjoyed seeing quality stories or drawings depicting people changing into feral animals, but it was all different in his strange dream.

The changes felt unnaturally real, they were intimidating and unpleasant for the most part. Another major concern was not knowing what he was becoming, he just knew he was enduring a painful metamorphosis into another species while in the middle of a dark cell-like room.

Suddenly with a flash of light the man woke up. He panted hard and wiped the sweat off his forehead. “Jesus, thank God it was all a dream. I- It was too real… I think I would never endure living as an animal permanently with human consciousness in-tact…” – He gathered his thoughts out loud.

His room was dark and silent. The man looked at his phone and realised that it was late night. He was about to lie down on the bed and try to fall asleep again, but something felt off about his hands. He turned the flashlight on his phone and aimed it at his right hand.

The second he saw his extremity he dropped his phone and gasped. His fingernails were starting to hurt and bleed and a pressure was put on them from underneath. Damian winced and looked around worriedly. “Th-This isn’t happening! Please tell me I’m still dreaming…!” – He yelled out and grabbed his hand with his other one, noticing that they both were changing at a similar pace by now.

The discomfort of changes kept spreading and infecting different parts of Damian’s body. The flesh underneath his toenails began to ache as something began to gradually push them out. Damian wriggled his toes and looked down at them in disbelief. He saw as the keratinous plates began to fall out pushed by what looked like growing claws of an animal.

“Aaaaah…! Oh God, oh God…” – Damian cried out and got up onto his feet almost falling over from the discomfort. The sight of his toenails falling out along with bloody bits was certainly ugly, but the pain and oncoming changes were the man’s main concerns now.

“Ack-hn…!” – Damian inhaled sharply when he felt his lungs start to shift inside of him along with his other organs. The man hugged his chest, when he felt his ribs begin to grow longer. His entire ribcage was becoming more massive and resilient. It grew bigger and stretched his flesh painfully. His entire torso was altering in shape and yet it managed to gain a rather streamlined and undoubtedly animalistic shape.

Damian let go of his chest and looked down at it. He saw as black stripes began to form across his entire lower body and besides that several itchy points began to form on his underside. Damian blinked with a pained expression as he saw four more nipples form on his torso. His original nipples lost their human shape as they became animalistic and insignificant, which suggested that Damian’s gender wouldn’t change.

The shifting man tried to reach his phone, but almost fallen over again. He managed to rest his hands on his knees just in time not to topple over. His limbs were crunching and he practically felt the bones in them malform into quadrupedal-adjusted shapes.

Feet began to crack and pop as they started to elongate and force Damian to stay on his tiptoes. In the meantime his femurs have started to shorten a bit. His shifting feet were slowly gaining thick shapes of decisively feline paws. His toes started to shrink into compact digits, which by now were fitting for his sharp claws.

Damian stared at his hands as they were slowly becoming more massive and clumsier. The digits were seemingly retreating back into the hands, while in reality they were actually shrinking and bending into complex feline setup. Damian closed his eyes when his fingernails began to bleed more profoundly. He felt his fingernails get slowly pushed out by sharp and strong big cat claws. His floor now was now painted with his blood and remnants of his diminishing humanity.

His body was forcing him to shudder from time as his limbs began to readjust to his future species. Damian felt like he wasn’t able to move his arms like he did prior. Besides that he also noticed how his arms and legs have thickened with muscles and yet they certainly didn’t look human anymore.

Minor feline features began to bud all over Damina’s body and all he was able to do was whimper and breath hard. He felt numb sensations underneath all of his four paws as black fatty pillows began to form on them. They were of different sizes and shapes, but they were gradually and decisively becoming his paw-pads.

In the meantime his extremities were slowly nearing their changes. Painful throbbing washed over several of his digits as they began to shrink and contract. Damian’s eyes widened in shock as he saw the remains of his thumbs get reduced to practically immobile dewclaws. His feet felt even worse, since each of them was stripped of one digit completely.

Damian looked at his paws and turned them around a bit. “Fuuuck! Guh… I’m done for!” – He exclaimed and felt how his head started to undergo the first major changes as if to reassure him that he was right and there was no stopping the changes now.

Damian’s ears have started to raise and become rounder, more sensitive and thinner. He felt bizarre taste of iron in his mouth and gulped anxiously at that. His teeth were starting to hurt and his gums were decisively bleeding at this point. His human teeth were starting to get loose in his mouth.

“Nho- Plesh nhot m-my…” – Damian groaned and winced, until a single white pearl fell out of his mouth along with blood and saliva. It was clearly his tooth and the realisation of it paralysed the man. He just stood there for a few seconds as more of his omnivorous teeth began to fall out.

Finally he wasn’t able to bear it any longer and spat them all out in one go. Just in time as new, more animalistic and predatory dentition started to push out of his gums and stretch them painfully. His new canines were thick and very sharp, just like the majority of his newly formed fangs. In a matter of seconds they all grew out and filled his mouth unpleasantly.

Damian clutched his agape mouth with his paws, just to feel his jaws throb and press outwards at a slow pace. He tried to hold his jaws in place, but it didn’t help in the slightest. His face was pushing outwards into a rather blunt, strong feline muzzle.

As the growing protrusion kept becoming more obvious in Damian’s field of view, his nose began to undergo the first changes. It was turning darker shade of pink, the texture was becoming moister and way more complex. His nose last all resemblance to ever being human as it began to mould into a more triangular shape.

At the same time the forming muzzle finally stopped growing. The only relief that came with that fact was the loss of pain in Damian’s gums. His carnivorous dentition fit snuggly in his strong predatory maw by now. Damian felt a tear ran down his changed cheek and then realised that his eyes stung. They were slowly changing colour from human blue to feline yellow. His cheeks began to sprout white whiskers at this point and his lips began to blacken and turn glossy.

The man straightened up somewhat abruptly as his spine has started changing. His vertebrae kept popping and becoming more apparent on his back, gradually forcing him to bend over more. “F-Fuuuuck, my spine-mr-aaaah…!” – He exclaimed as his jerking vertebrae forced him to bend over and finally lose balance, just as his tailbone unfused and unfurled into a short stubby tail.

Damian danced around in place for a moment and in the meantime his growing appendage grew longer and formed a proper tail, which flesh was also covered in slight black stripes. As Damian’s entire weight landed on his bed, his tail swinged behind him madly – Now fully formed. Damian had no idea he was so heavy, but he realised it as his bed broke in half a moment after he landed on it.

“Ghruh… I hrave a fhrucking tail… Wait… Are thoshre shtrippesh…?” – He commented worriedly on his changing body. At this point his entire body felt completely alien to how it felt before he went to sleep. He looked around frantically and realised that he was bigger than he used to be as a human. Most of his body was looking like a furless tiger by now.

As if on cue Damian felt an itchiness rise all over his body. It differed in places as his human hair started to fall out in clumps. His underside was starting to grow white, softer fur, while the majority of the rest of his body was growing orange fur. Almost his entire furry pelt had black stripes, which reassured the man what he was becoming.

Damian meowled pitifully as he felt his genitalia start shifting. His cock started stiffening and becoming more sensitive. His foreskin started to retract a bit and turn into an animalistic sheath covered by light fur. His ballsack seemingly shrank a bit and along with his cock was forced to migrate closer towards his tail.

The changes weren’t done and Damian closed his eyes from the shame as he laid there splayed out, feeling his most private body part shift into something bestial. His cock was incredibly stiff at this point from the forced stimulation of the changes, but at the same time as it throbbed its size seemingly diminished.

Damian moaned out and let out purring sounds as his cock kept shrinking and shortening into a big cat’s nub of a cock. Its tip slowly turned pointy and a lot of almost transparent barbs sprouted all over the shaft. The ballsack got covered by soft fur and the changes in the region slowly ended leaving Damian with completely feline equipment.

Damian kept groaning in his lower and raspier human voice, until he wasn’t able to anymore as his vocal chords finished changing. This change hit him hard and made him attempt to say something, but of course all that came out of his muzzle was a series of growls. Damian’s expression turned feral and he hit his paws against the floor several times angrily, his tail was swinging madly like that of a housecat.

Hearing himself act somewhat ferally like that scared him. He was so loud and expressive now and not in the human meaning. He felt so feral and limited in this new form. Damian promised himself that if his consciousness would remain, he would do his best to control his new body. A pressure appeared in his skull and Damian sighed and braced himself for the last changes.

His forehead started to slope down, his skull started flattening at the top and forcing his brain to change shape and become smaller. The fur finished covering Damian’s entire body and even face by now. The changes finally came to an end and the tiger-turned man was able to take a breather.

Tiger Damian looked around and slowly got up, then shook off the parts of his ruined bed off himself. He blinked and looked back at himself. His body looked majestic, but besides that it didn’t have many advantages over human anatomy. Damian sighed and decided to think for a bit about what to do.

If there would be no way to turn back, he decided that he would try to influence the humans around to put him into the local zoo. That was probably the best outcome for the tiger-turned man. No poachers, no natural threats – Just living peacefully for human enjoyment. He’d have veterinary care provided, a lot of food and such things. Damian tilted his head with hope and realised that his new life doesn’t have to be a bad one.


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