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Man into Male Spider Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

John was afraid of the spiders since he remembered. He didn’t like insects in general, but spiders were especially on his not-to-meet list. He found them repulsive and didn’t like that they reappeared all over his house all the time.

One day John decided that enough was enough and he bought a lot of anti-bug items. Sprays, swatters and other items were included. And they all worked to some extent, but John wasn’t able to kill all the spiders anyway as they always reappeared after several minutes.

The frustrated man had enough and decided to check his attic knowing there might have been a nest there. He prepared a ladder and got into the attic easily, but he wasn’t prepared for the sight. He wasn’t mistaken, the spiders were everywhere.

He wasn’t in the room for so long that it was entirely infested by insects and mainly the spiders. John snapped, he had enough of this farse – He considered the house his and his only and wouldn’t allow the disgusting bugs in it.

The man began flailing his arms and destroying most of the cobwebs in anger, but the more he tore apart the stranger feelings washed over his body. The man failed to notice as his body hair began to shift and turn rough. The hair became stiff and spiky, unpleasant to the touch like the hair on some spiders he eradicated.

What was stranger however happened to John’s butt. It began to ache all of the sudden, but the man was too occupied to care. The hair on John’s head began to fall out at a slow pace. His head was getting bizarrely bald and worse than that its structure started to appear inhuman as the skull started to dissolve.

“Ugh… Finally… Wait, what the hell…?” – John muttered confused and looked down at his hands. They were covered in black hair and felt strange. John stared at his skin which started to darken until it gradually became completely black. His eyes went wide and his expression became that of dread as he felt the bones in all of his limbs turn into liquid and resurface to form a chitinous carapace.

“Oh fuck! What the- No, no, no! This isn’t happening! Oh God! I- I should call help, b-but this is so fuckin disgusting… T-They can’t see me like this...!” – John yelled out and glanced at all the webs he destroyed. “It’s all your fault! The fuck have you done to me-agh…!” – The man got interrupted by a pain in his back which forced him to topple forwards onto all fours.

John groaned in terror as he felt like his spine started to disappear from his body. Its tissue malformed and resurfaced to form the dark chitinous matter all over his torso. John groaned in pain as he felt his nails get loose on his digits. Without blood and gore all of his nails just fell off his fingers which felt more than bizarre.

It was just the beginning of the man’s worst nightmare. He heaved a few times and managed to spit out something. It looked like a white pebble and this time there was some blood and saliva splattered around. “Oh fuckh, my tooh…! Nhg-ghah…!” – John grunted in pain as his back kept forcing him into a strange horizontal position.

In the meantime more of his teeth fallen out of his mouth as his grotesque changes went on. In a matter of minutes the man almost choked on his teeth as they all fell out of his gums. Everything felt so disgusting to the man at this point. His gums were literally starting to merge with his lips. His head have started to simplify in structure as it was becoming something monstrous.

“Nghar-hreeelp mmmeeh…!” – John tried to scream, but it was increasingly difficult as his neck have started to disappear along with his vocal chords. His head was getting pulled closer towards the torso and into a more arachnoid position.

John was trying to ignore the sensations, he didn’t even want to think about what he was becoming, but the changes were relentless. His head was getting absorbed by his torso at this point, becoming a part of it. His body was now entirely dark and almost shiny because of the chitin.

All that the man was able to do was hiss meekly and trash his limbs as they contorted unnaturally and became twisted and bent. His arms and legs were starting to turn spindly and start to resemble something he knew too well. His hands and feet were just shrinking and losing their functions, until a few short digits remained on them with claws attached to them.

John closed his eyes hard when he felt a nauseating pressure in his rear. His guts began to remould inside of him and push lower into his forming abdomen. John wasn’t able to look back and see as his ass began to spill out of his jeans, utterly ruining them. His buttocks have merged together and the cleft between began to fill with flesh. The entire bulbous protrusion began to swell larger with each passing second.

The man shuddered when he felt his anus get pushed out on his bulbous ass. He felt like he would vomit any second now as his forming abdomen began to fill with necessary insectoid parts. His asshole was starting to pucker out and shift into complex spinneret vent.

John’s ass continued to fatten up and bloat, its texture was moist and dark as it kept inflating. The forming abdomen was gradually becoming bigger than the rest of John’s malforming body. His actual torso was slowly shortening and shrinking. Literally most of John’s insides kept moving into his swollen and round ass that was becoming his abdomen.

John wasn’t even able to express his terror as his face was getting numb and starting to shift about. In the meantime pressure appeared at the sides of his altering torso. Suddenly worm-like appendages began to sprout from John’s sides. They writhed and moved similarly to legs of a spider as they grew longer. They grew spindly and became almost exactly the same as John’s other malformed limbs. At this point he had eight legs and he freaked out like a madman because of that fact.

The malformed being clicked with pauses as its face became devoid of human features. The nose has started to sink into the disgusting visage. The cartilage of John’s ears have started to retreat back into his bizarre head. His ears were shrinking and losing their complex structure as they slowly retracted back into his head. There weren’t any earholes left, just solid chitin as insects didn’t need too many stimuli to stay alive.

John started to crawl towards the stairs, but it felt so strange and disgusting for him that he stopped after moving a metre. He had to walk like a spider and he would rather freeze in place forever than become and act like one. At this point John’s body was grotesquely disfigured and devoid of soft skin.

The abdomen finally finished growing, but John felt like its weight disallowed him to lift it. The bulbous, fat and insectoid part laid on the floor and slowly began producing loads of spiderweb. The churning and heat in John’s anus made him snarl in protest.

The man didn’t even know whether he still had his genitalia. They were squeezed underneath his fat ass by now and malforming in their own way. It was hard to comprehend what even was happening to them, but John didn’t feel his ballsack anymore and his cock was gradually pulled into him as it was becoming internal.

John started regretting his life choices as he felt his lungs squeeze inwards and just melt down into nothingness. His entire inner anatomy was becoming basic and insectoid, devoid of many human aspects. John winced for the last time as his face started to stiffen and turn into a grotesque visage fit for a primitive predator.

His eyes shot open and began to pop and separate into many smaller orbs. It looked outlandish and felt even stranger to the changing man himself as his vision split into many views. Nostrils sealed shut on his strange face and his shifting mouth began to pull up closer towards his eyes.

His form was strange and alien to him, yet John’s shifting anatomy continued to shock him. Especially as two odd appendages began to push out of his cheeks, they writhed and grew, but stayed way shorter than John’s other limbs. Unbeknown to him those were his pedipalps.

John was forced to watch as his perspective changed. His eyes were gradually pulled higher on his head. Though head was an exaggeration as it was fully fused with his torso at this point. By now those two together became his cephalothorax.

It was hard to react in anyway to the changes as they kept washing over John constantly. His new anatomy disallowed him to scream for help and move normally. He was inevitably becoming a simplistic creature that would normally be the size of a mouse. Strangely in John’s case his body didn’t shrink at all. In fact it appeared bigger than it was prior.

John managed to turn his body to the side and then he saw himself in the old mirror. He hissed and skittered backwards a bit. His vision was all wrong, but he saw his reflection and it was as disgusting as he expected if not more, but his visage was lacking something.

Something started to fill John’s mouth and even stretch it. His lips peeled back and two fat mandibles spilled out of his mouth. They were tipped with grotesque and incredibly sharp venomous fangs. The protrusions kept swelling and stretching John’s face bizarrely forcing it to truly become the visage of a spider.

His body was now covered in black chitin with protective hair sprouting from the joints. The trainwreck of changes finally came to an end as John’s eyes shrank into beady visors. His skull hurt for a moment longer as it was forcefully flattened into a basic head of a spider.

John wanted to at least sigh in relief, but he wasn’t granted even that as his respiratory system worked completely different. The man was now a spider the size of a horse and stuck in the attic. What’s worse was that John knew he would have guests soon. He was doomed and he knew it, therefore he didn’t budge even when his sensitive extremities sensed that the guests were already knocking at the door.


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