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Man into Male Hornet Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 1st PoV | Painful

I fell off the ladder and landed on my ass with a thud, but that wasn’t what made me scream in pain. My hand had a clear sting mark and flesh around it began to swell. I never got tested for allergic reactions to insect stings, now I regretted that more than ever as I kept blowing air at my misshapen hand.

I started to get lightheaded mainly from the shock, but also potentially from the dangerous sting of a hornet on my right hand. “I fucking hate hornets…” – I muttered as I got up and started fumbling in my pockets to find my phone. I found it alright and when I pulled it out I realised it was cracked in half and non-functional. “Fuck sake! Wait… What’s that on my hand…?” – I cussed from the helplessness, but then I realised there was something wrong with my hand.

I brought it closer to examine and then I saw it. The skin on my right hand was discoloured, especially around the sting mark. “W-What the…” – I muttered as I started at my shifting hand. My skin was drying up and becoming chitinous in texture. They were becoming shining dark bronze colour, but worst of yet I felt my fingers start to ache and retract back into my grotesque hand. I stared at my trembling hand, feeling the bones painfully dissolve underneath my flesh and turn into exterior chitinous carapace. Disgusting hair started to sprout all over my hand as my fingers fully dissolved, leaving my right hand fingerless.

“This is insane. I must be hallucinating, but then why does it hurt so much-ahhhh…!?” – I groaned as I saw the entire skin of my right arm turn shiny dark bronze and chitinous. The carapace claimed more of my body and began to climb onto my left arm. In no time I felt my digits crack and contort, before the bones in them dissipated and flesh shrank back into my hand. I started flailing my bizarre-looking arms in panic as I felt them slim out beyond human comprehension. As they shrank they began to segment and turn unmistakably insectoid.

I was so absorbed by the changes, as they made me question my existence – Was I actually turning into some freaky bug-monster?! I received a reply in form of more agonising changes as my spine suddenly crunched at the top and forced me into a more hunchback stance. I felt my chest pulsate, the bones in it gradually dissolved painfully at first, but then there was only nauseating dizziness as what used to be my bones pushed through my flesh and hardened as it fused with my skin, forming chitinous black, bronze and slightly yellow carapace.

“Guh! This- Ghaaaahhhh…!” – I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt my lower torso start to pull upwards and get absorbed with my increasingly thorax-like chest. I stared in disbelief and disgust as my form shortened, organs moved upwards or downwards and gurgled sickly. My lungs compressed inside of me and completely repurposed leaving me a mute.

My legs began to crack and spasm unnaturally. They slimmed down unnaturally and started to bend in bizarre places as chitin covered them. I felt my feet crunch and collapse into fingerless nubs with nasty hair growing out of them. Naturally it was too much, I toppled forwards and fallen down onto all fours. For about a minute that is as my body got almost entirely covered in chitin instead of skin. After what felt like a torturous minute I felt unimaginable tension rise in my deformed torso, which was now more of an insect’s thorax. I felt my flesh sizzle and slowly erupt in two places. I looked sideways and saw as twitching limbs grew out of my sides. I was officially becoming a six legged insect, not even an animal – But a disgusting insect that bit me specifically I realised.

I hissed unable to produce any more defined noises of distress as I felt my body contort and spasm as it kept bending into alien shapes in many spots at once. My third pair of legs slowly finished their growth and I instinctively began to tap them against the ground. That’s when I realised another terrifying aspect of my dreadful situation – The world was getting bigger around me. My clothes were baggy on me and I easily climbed out of them as I was now the size of a husky circa and still shrinking. “Tzzzzhn-tzoooo…!” – I buzzed as my neck started to shorten awfully and pull my head closer to my freakish thorax.

I gasped in disgust when I felt a pressure rise in my ass, or what was left of it anyway. I wasn’t able to turn my head back and see it, but I felt it start to swell and balloon out. I felt my disgusting insect organs spill into my bulbous and continuously growing butt. Knowing with regret that I was becoming an insect I realised that it was my abdomen taking shape. The cleft of my buttocks just disappeared completely as my butt-flesh swollen to such extent. Unbeknown to me my abdomen segmented and gained a very hornet-like pattern of yellow-orange and black rings all over. With a wet plop I suddenly felt something extend out of what used to be my anus. I felt it touch the ground and I realised that I somehow pushed out my newly developed stinger. It slowly slid back into my swollen abdomen and I shivered at the sensations. I felt my organs settle down in my new abdomen which by now contained mainly reproductive and digestive system of a male hornet I was inevitably becoming. My cock and balls were nowhere to be seen as I wasn’t even a proper mammal anymore, my genitalia were slurped into my bulbous abdomen without me noticing.

I stood there unable to move as I felt everything inside of me swim and realign into more insectoid setup. My body started shuddering in pain when my newly developed thorax started to get pierced by two growths. Thin, long spikes erupted from my back and started to unfurl into transparent, veiny wings. I jumped in place feeling one more pair of smaller wings develop on my back to add to my suffering. My body was now completely devoid of human hair and only my head appeared somewhat human.

My neck crunched once more and forced my head into a forward facing position on my torso’s top. I groaned and hissed in pain, but I was too small to make a difference now. My head was pounded from the front, I felt it flatten painfully against my torso. My ears dissolved and fused with my increasingly chitinous head. My eyes started to bulge out of their sockets and reform into huge insectoid counterparts. My face got stretched in a morbid grimace as it began to segment into insectoid mandibles. I felt my teeth ger reabsorbed by my solid chitinous jaw-parts. My tongue began to lengthen and morph into a complex sucking apparatus below my chompers. Lastly two antennae started to grow out of my flattened forehead.

I thought my changes were blissfully over, but I felt more strange hair grow out of my thorax and even head which only worsened my monstrous appearance as I continued to shrink. My body was squeezed by an invisible force and I was no bigger than a rat now, with one more squeeze I felt myself shrink to an actual’s hornet size. After all I didn’t differ from them by now, I was one of them whether I liked it or not. And I certainly didn’t like that! I managed to move my mandibles in a menacing way, actually causing some barely audible clicking noises. I was disgusting and still without a clue what I did to deserve such fate. Maybe the hornet that stung me was radioactive and I was just unlucky.

It didn’t matter now. I sighed – With all my body as my respiratory system worked completely different now and with that I decided to test out my wings. My altered brain quickly invaded my mind with necessary instincts to bring me into the air. With the loud, intimidating buzz of my wings I risen to the air – Unsure of my purpose, but standing idle and pondering about my miserable fate wouldn’t be any better. I flew away from the place I was stung at and started my new life.


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