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Man into Male Wolf Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 1st PoV | Painful

I barely managed to fall asleep after what I heard in the news yesterday. The outbreak of the virus started in our city, but they told us to stay calm and don’t come out of our houses. The authorities would supposedly take care of the virus’ source and we’ll all be safe soon enough. I wanted to think that too, but I still had nightmares during my sleep from the sudden grim news that our city was the start of a new epidemy.

Unbeknown to me – It didn’t matter what I would do at this point as I was already infected like most of the city. My beard appeared shaggier earlier, my ears were pointier and gradually thinned down – I should have paid more attention. Instead of the virus I paid attention on taking care of my cousin since her mother dropped her at my doorstep – Her name was Susie and she slept in my house just for that night. The moment the sirens started wailing and informing all the citizens not to drink the water Susie’s mother was too far to pick her up quickly. Especially since the traffic was almost completely locked, people started to panic and try to escape the city despite the authorities encouraging to stay inside. Either way I had to ensure that Susie would be safe until her mother would come and pick her up. I just hoped the epidemy wouldn’t catch up with us.

I kept tossing and turning in my bed, having too much to worry about even when I should be deep in slumber. Adding to my mental discomfort were the sensations of my body starting to alter inevitably. My human body hair started to thin down and disappear off my body completely, but it was getting rapidly replaced by itchy grey canine fur slowly growing out of my skin. I scratched myself subconsciously having no idea how doomed I was I simply ignored my itching and increasingly furry sensations across my body.

I only had my boxers on me and I winced as I felt itchiness even there – Unbeknown to me my entire body would become covered in fur soon enough. Despite sleeping I had an urge to sneeze as my warm and dry nose started to moisten. Its texture began to alter significantly and my smelling sense was gradually improving. My nose was looking increasingly canine with each passing second. My lips felt strange, they throbbed subtly as they turned completely black and glossy for protection against sun.

My tailbone pounded too, it wanted out and slowly made its way out as it began to lengthen and pull my flesh with it. A stubby tail made its way out of my boxers. It elongated in quite a quick pace as it gained a more definitive form of an actual tail. It twitched and writhed underneath my blankets as it slowly reached its final form. My new appendage gradually calmed down, but it was still there. I felt it subconsciously all the time and yet I had no idea I was actually turning into an animal as I was deep in dreams. Short mixed grey hair started to sprout all over my tail.

I rolled around on my bed which felt weir now that my spine was technically much longer and I had to be careful not to crush it aka the tail. If I’d wear more clothes my tail would probably feel really constricted underneath them. For a while as now my entire silhouette gradually began to alter. Wolves as agile and strong as they were they still were leaner than humans. My limbs started to slim down and my legs ached as the bones in them shortened slightly.

Several slightly sensitive spots formed on my chest and stomach. They were unnoticeable from underneath the fur that already covered most of my body, but they were there – Canine nipples. My original nipples became less pronounced and their colour dimmed some. I ran my hand over them just to jerk it back when its rough texture touched my chest. My hands began to change as well as my feet.

My digits cracked and popped as they began to shorten. My hands started to elongate a bit and as they did the thumbs got pulled higher up than the rest of my digits. Underneath my digits and palms the rough texture puffed up and swollen into canine paw-pads. I flexed my deformed hands as the nails started to darken and grow out into curved claws. What used to be dextrous hands were now simple, clumsy paws of a canine.

My feet didn’t fare better, but they had less drastic changes to undergo as they never were dextrous. Still human toes differed in size and that was about to change in my case. My bigger toes began to contort and shrink into smaller digits, but all of my toes altered to better be suited for running on all fours. If I’d be standing on all fours now I’d be forced to stand on my tiptoes as my feet started to elongate drastically. Pads of numb dark flesh swollen out underneath them and what remained of my toenails started to darken and push out into claws.

My legs slowly lost their human shape as they were already shorter and leaner. Now they began to bend unnaturally into digitigrade shapes fit for wolf’s hind legs. I groaned during my sleep as the changes weren’t pleasant at all, but they weren’t agonising either. My underwear was getting looser and looser on my ass as it started to thin down. My buttocks flattened and my rump was now mainly made out of muscles instead of unneeded fat. My asshole was forced to migrate higher and closer to my tail into a more feral setup. My internal organs rearranged too to fit my new digestive track fit for a carnivore.

I started kicking my legs frantically as my groin began to stir and heat up. I winced as I felt my furry groin alter. My genitalia began changing species just like the rest of my body. They were getting bulled further between my hindlegs into more feral position. I blushed as I felt my shaft start to stiffen, but it wasn’t because of the arousal. A penile bone started to form inside my penis and force it to tilt upwards, closer to my stomach.

My foreskin began to alter as well and start to fuse with my stomach near the base of my penis. My penis began to push out of the sheath slightly and the reddening and sharpening tip was now sticking out of the fluffy pouch. I yelped as I felt the base of my glistening red shaft inflate and swell. A bulbous canine knot started to form underneath my stretched sheath. Slowly the changes in my groin ceased, but left me forever altered down there. I sighed in relief despite still not comprehending that the changes were real.

My ears were changing the entire time and now they slowly became the iconic triangles of a wild predator. Underneath my closed eyelids my eyes turned bright yellow. My head was now devoid of human hair and almost entirely covered in mixed grey fur. Meanwhile my organs continued to churn inside me and change. My stomach started to cave in to give me a more lithe quadrupedal silhouette. Contrarily to this my chest started to expand and become slightly rounder.

It was time for my head to fully change into that of a wolf and it started with high intensity. It almost hurt, to such extent that I finally woke up with a gasp. “Huh…? Ahhhhh! What’s happeninghr thro mghrrrr-awoooooo…!” – My terrified voice distorted into a snarly howl of distress as my neck thickened with muscles and elongated a bit. My skull started to get pounded with transformative energies which flattened it at the top. My forehead began to slope down slightly. I whimpered only now realising that I’ve been turning into a wolf all this time. My body felt wrong and alien and the pain in my head was unimaginable.

Especially as a pressure started in my jaws and forced them to start to push out. My face gained a wolfish snout, which elongated considerably into a full-fledged muzzle. Inside it my tongue tried to catch up and elongate proportionately. My teeth throbbed as they remoulded into sharp canine fangs. I panted hard as the last changes washed over my head and made it fully that of a grey wolf.

My eyes shot open and I stared down at my paws. “My hands, just gone! I have to be dreaming. This can’t be. Did I actually turn into a wolf?! It feels too real to be a nightmare.” – I continued to whimper. I realised this must have been the consequences of the virus outbreak. How else would this happen?

Then I remembered something horrific. I was taking care of my younger cousin, she was sleeping in the next room. How would she react to my new form? Would she run away from me in fear? How can I even protect her now that I’m a wolf? And worst of all what if she has been infected already too…? I suddenly heard an ear-piercing howl – It was Susie. Without thinking much I ran out of my bedroom to check on her. I surprised myself with how easy it felt to move on all fours.

When I jumped into her room I realised I was too late. There was no Susie, but a wolf she turned into as well. She looked almost like me in my current state and she had closed eyes – She must have been terrified of her new form or maybe she didn’t know it was I who entered the room. I ran up to her and jumped onto her bed. I gently lied my paw on hers to comfort her and tried to growl out some sort of consolation.

“Susie… It’s me, Jack! Please don’t cry. We’ll get through this, we’ll find a cure…!” – I whimpered and pressed my cold nose against her paw pitifully. Despite me just growling and whimpering in a canine way Susie lifted up her wolfish head and tilted it instinctively. “Jack…? You too?! Why did this happen to us…? I don’t wanna be a wolf!” – She howled saddened. “You can understand me! At least we can communicate somehow. Susie, I- I have no idea how it came to this, I think we have changed due to the virus outbreak – But don’t worry. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I can still protect you, even as a wolf! They will turn us back at some point, the scientists… At least… At least I hope they will…” – My growls got sadder too as I realised that I had no guarantee we’ll ever change back. Wolves as cool as they were differed from humans in most aspects – I didn’t want to be one permanently either. I had a long human life to live – Had… Now we were stuck as wolves inside my house with the rest of the city sharing our fate and turning into all sorts of animals.



👍🏼good story 😊