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Man into Male Malamute Dog, Man into Female Malamute Dog Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful

In a world where transforming into chosen animals was possible for an adequate price two friends – Kevin and Jason were about to do just that. It took them days to decide what animals they’d become, but they decided to pick their favourite dog breeds – Malamutes. They presumed that as dogs people wouldn’t mind seeing them, like they would with wolves for example – Since two men lived in a city.

“So, are you ready? I’ve read many articles about how this serum works, but it also differs everyone. Some may feel only pleasure and joy, while others may feel some discomfort of their muscles reforming for example. Also-“ – Jason wanted to continue explaining the process his way, but was interrupted by Kevin. “Okay dude, thanks for the trivia, but I don’t wanna hear anymore of it – Some of it is slightly demotivating. I bet becoming a dog will be awesome and transforming into one can’t be overly unpleasant. Have you checked that those are the right serums? I don’t want to become a pig by an accident.” – Kevin debated.

“Hah. Yeah, don’t worry. The dealer I bought those from is very popular in our part of the city. It’s impossible to buy something harmful from people like him. Besides, I double checked everything I could. Ready?” – Jason asked. “Uhm… I think so! Just let me take off my clothes. I suppose I won’t need them when I’ll end up furry.” – Kevin said and quickly undressed, leaving only his underwear on him. The situation was really odd for both of them, but also thrilling in a very positive way.

With a quick jab Jason injected the serum into Kevin’s bloodstream. The prick didn’t hurt, but it felt strange especially as the strangely warm substance from inside the syringe entered Kevin’s flesh. “You good?” – Jason asked as he started seeing his friend stagger backwards woozily. “Yeah… I just feel dizzy and- Gh… My skin itches, I think I feel the fur sprout!” – Kevin replied and rubbed his hand against his chest, feeling human hair replaced with white, fluffy fur.

Jason just stared at his friend’s quickening transformation. It progressed quite fast, but it was still fascinating to see every detail of human body alter and become more canine on his friend. Kevin was less optimistic as more unpleasant changes started occurring all over his body. He felt his bones crunch and slim out, his legs shorten slightly and slowly bend into a digitigrade alignment. Kevin’s heart was beating hard in mixed fear and joy of the further changes.

“Dude… This… Thris is so freaky. I feel my tailbone throb and slowly extend into a nub above my ass…” – Kevin panted hunched over as he tried to catch his breath. He had trouble balancing on his feet which started to reform drastically and elongate, forcing him to stay on his tiptoes. His toes started contracting into more compact doggy digits. Underneath his tiptoes and altered digits his flesh started swelling and blackening into leathery paw pads. His toenails started to elongate and curl into dark claws.

Kevin closed his eyes feeling his feet painfully slim out into lean dog extremities completely. He failed to notice when his feet fully became paws. He tipped forward and only then opened his eyes to see that Jason saved him from collapsing onto the ground. “Close call. Careful there.” – Jason said to Kevin who panted and leaned against him with his contorting hands.

“Thranks… Nngh… My hrands…!” - Kevin winced in pain seeing his fingers slowly retract back into his hands and turn into clumsy digits of a dog. His hands started elongating and with it his thumbs got pulled higher up on them. His palms started swelling into dark paw pads and his fingernails began to erupt into sharp claws. Jason stared in awe as he watched his friend’s torso radically change shape. Kevin’s ribcage barrelled out and his stomach sunk inwards a bit. Most of Kevin’s body was covered in black and white fur.

The changes quickly progressed upwards and started working on Kevin’s neck and facial features. His neck gained more flexibility. His nose started to darken and widen into a more sensitive canine alternative. “Jhra- Hrawshoooon… Rhr-arwh…!” – Kevin barked and realised that his voice was gone beyond redemption now. Jason patted his friend on the head and that seemed to initiate more changes as Kevin’s ears began to elongate into canine points.

The man’s head started to slope down and gain a more canine shape, which apparently hurt judging by Kevin’s loud whines. Whines turned into whimpers when Kevin’s face started to push out into a muzzle. Despite it being just one body part change, it seemed to take a considerable amount of time as human face differed significantly from that of a malamute. Kevin growled in discomfort and started pawing at his muzzle, which made his paws fall off Jason and onto the floor.

When Jason glanced down he saw a malamute with underwear around its hips, which promptly fallen off as Kevin’s body became too small to keep them on. Kevin felt them slide off him and whimpered in shame. He yelped when he felt the nub that used to be his tailbone further extend and slowly take a more decisive form of an overly enthusiastic tail. It started wagging wildly before it even fully grew out.

Kevin moved a bit, feeling how much his body changing and expecting it to be the end of his transformation into a dog, but then he felt a surge of warmth in his groin. He silently lowered his head and looked between his legs. He barked when he saw and felt his cock stiffen and start to tilt upwards, closer towards his furry stomach.

“Heh. I knew this part would be the most interesting.” – Jason chuckled. Kevin stared at his manhood as the foreskin was peeled back and turned into a fleshy, canine sheath which fused with his lower stomach at the base. His shaft slowly changed colour to red and the tip started to sharpen. A swelling sensation caught Kevin off-guard and made him bark in bliss as his bulbous knot started to inflate at the base of his cock, fully transforming his equipment into that of a canine.

Kevin stared at HIS red rocket and thought he’d just start sucking himself off any second now out of lust, but then he realised that his friend was watching and it made him slightly ashamed of the thoughts. “It’s not hard to see that you’re horny. Don’t be so gloom, it’s natural for a dog to be horny at times. I’ll change into one too now, so you won’t feel bad about putting that cock of yours to good use.” – Jason said and injected himself with his portion of the transformative serum.

Before he managed to undress completely his body was already on a rapid way to becoming fully canine. Kevin stared at his friend slowly becoming a dog like him, it was indeed an entertaining sight. Jason’s body shrank a bit and the remaining clothes fallen off him as his body sprouted black and white fur all over. Before his fur gained its final length though Kevin noticed many rows of subtle teats form underneath Jason’s human nipples. Kevin recalled that all dogs had nipples, not just females and so he didn’t focus on that.

Jason dropped onto all fours as his feet reformed into paws, soon followed by his hands. His chest barrelled out and his limbs were quickly locked permanently in a four-legged stance. A tail extended from his tailbone and started wagging happily, especially when seeing Kevin’s red rocket still fully erect. “Wait, whrat?! I’m nhrot… But it’s shroo shiny with lust… I nhreed it inside mhre-awhroooo…!” – Jason growled in lust, rightfully realising that something was different about his transformation.

His cock felt limp, despite him being immensely horny. Jason looked underneath himself and yelped seeing his manhood dwindle in size and along with his testicles move closer towards his tail. Kevin stared in shock seeing his friend’s ballsack darkening underneath his tail and slowly forcing his balls deeper inside him. With wet plops, followed by whimpers of pleasure Jason’s testicles shot deeper inside him and started reforming into ovaries. Leaving his scrotum empty, but despite that it started to puff out and remould into a puffy spade-like shape which started to split open and gush out pleasure juices making Jason howl in bliss.

Meanwhile his cock was very small by now and started to alter in shape, become more of a big clit than a cock. As Jason’s pussy opened up, it started to pull what used to be his cock inside for it to become an actual clitoris. With several more seconds Jason’s pussy gained its final, shape. Instead of a red rocket Jason was stuck with a plump and wet canine spade. Jason tried to process what the hell just happened to his genitalia, but it was hard to focus when his cunt continued to drip with lust and remaining changes progressed.

Jason growled some as his face started to push out into a doggy muzzle. His ears perked up and started growing into canine points. His nose darkened and swollen, becoming even more visible in his field of view. Inside his mouth all of his teeth altered to be fit for a more carnivorous diet and hit tongue lengthened to such extent that it lolled out of his needy maw and hanged lewdly to the side. With one more growth spurt his muzzle extended fully and the last changes finalised his transformation into a malamute bitch.

Kevin stood there stunned, after seeing his good friend turn into a canine bitch he’s gotten quite horny to his own surprise. Jason felt no different, smelling the scent of the male next to him and seeing his glistening red shaft made Jason lift up his tail instinctively and give easy access for the horny male. Both of them retained their minds, but still the sensations and sights they witnessed were too much – They used to be humans, but now they were just a couple of horny dogs.

With both of them in consensus Kevin barked and leapt onto his friend. His sharp, red tip prodded Jason’s lean, furry rear for a moment before finally finding the prize. Kevin slowly and teasingly inserted his shiny shaft into Jason’s velvety lips making both of them howl in bliss. The two dogs started rutting – The pleasure was mixed with satisfaction as both of them realised that this was what they wanted besides not expecting such an outcome.

Kevin bit down on Jason’s neck scruff and started humping faster. His furry balls got pulled closer together and his cock pulsed more vigorously inside the bitch’s cunt. Suddenly a swelling sensation locked both of them together as Kevin’s knot inflated inside Jason’s doggy cunt, which clasped around it. It was too much for both of them and Kevin started barking as his cock started spurting load of hot doggy cum inside of his friend’s newly developed pussy, stuffing it entirely. Jason threw his head back and howled too feeling his walls clench in a lengthy orgasm. The two collapsed onto the floor fulfilled and ready to embrace their new lives after such a blissful beginning.


Truttle Bear

I know I'm biased, but I'm stating fact when I say that this was absolutely awesome. 👍 😎


Whoa. I'm happy you liked. I'm actually surprised this has 7 likes. I'm tracking the statistics and on my Patreon 7 likes on one stroy is a highscore. Thank you friend for a positive opinion too. <3