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Man into Male Thoroughbred Horse Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful

“What do you mean he’s ill?! I need a horse for the race, now!” – George the rider screamed while talking through the phone. “Screw you then…” – He said as he ended the call. He seemed lost in thoughts for a moment, at the same time eyeing the grandstand and the people on it.

After a moment he cheered up and came closer towards the audience. “Is anyone of you willing to help me? I need somebody to help me get a new racing horse. It won’t take long and I promise I’ll reward the helper…!” – He shouted at the spectators. Many of them seemed to consider the idea, but first one to rise a hand was John. He was a light-hearted man who naturally wanted to help out the rider.
“Perfect, come with me then.” – George said. John expected he’d be led towards a car and instead he was led towards a stable. George smiled subtly during the walk. “I’m really glad you want to help me. The situation is dire as my stallion fell ill.” – George said. “No problem, happy to help. Although, why are we heading into the stable? Weren’t we going to transport a new horse here or something?” – John asked surprised as he looked around the empty stable.

Nothing, but silence replied him. The situation was getting more than awkward and straight up unsettling. John exclaimed in sudden pain as he felt a needle get jabbed into his hip by George. “Agh! What the hell is this for? I’m trying to help you an-“ – John groaned and started to back away from John who appeared more menacing now than previously. “And you’re helping me. The serum I injected you with isn’t cheap, but it’s the best solution for my missing horse problem.” – George said as he came up to John and pulled out the syringe out of his flesh.

“Y-You’re insane! This is not how I want to help you. What do… What do you even mean the serum is the solution?! I feel… I feel sick – What’s happening to me…!?” – John started to complain distressed as he started to drench his clothes in sweat. George sighed and stepped away from John without answering.

John felt his body heat up and his muscles tense. To his complete horror he felt like his flesh was crawling over his body and even changing its shape in places. He was gaining a more muscular silhouette, but it didn’t look natural in places. John looked around to make sure they were alone. He gulped and feeling how wrong his body started to feel, he started to undress piece by piece.

When he took off his shirt he noticed how strong and wide his chest appeared, not to mention the hair he had on it seemed to alter and grow more plenty. Slowly his chest hair was getting replaced by what seemed to be short brown fur. John was stunned and unable to believe his body was suddenly changing shape. He touched his chest to feel the thick and dense muscles underneath his darkening skin which itself seemed to turn into hide.

As his fingers started to rub his flesh to make sure it was truly shifting John noticed another unsettling sight. His hand was looking deformed, all of his fingers except for the middle one started to retract back into his hand. While the middle one was thickening and lengthening considerably along with its nail. Which looked grotesquely until the shape became more defined and John gasped in shock as his hand gained the shape of a hoof.

He turned to face George with fear on his morphing face. “This can’t be happening. I’m becoming a horse, an animal! Stop it, please. This is not what I meant by helping you…!” – John pleaded the rider. “It’s too late to stop the changes now. Take off your remaining clothes if you don’t want to be struck by more discomfort.” – George said somewhat coldly, staring with curiosity at the shifting man in front of him.

John was devastated, but he felt that the rider was right. John felt his body ripple with more muscles and overall body mass as it grew unnaturally bigger. His jeans were getting overly tight around his growing ass and widening hips. He stared at his right hand which was slowly becoming more and more hoof-like too, but its digits were still operable. John stumbled backwards, feeling his feet changing inside his shoes. He had to balance on his tiptoes, just to feel his shoes and socks slide off his drastically changing feet. He looked down and saw that his feet looked like small horse-hooves, but with dissolving human toes at their sides. It looked disgusting to him, he was a mutant for a moment before the altering feet turned completely into thick hooves with no reminiscence of their human past.

John rested his broadening back against the stable wall. He reached out his right hand to unzip his jeans, just to realise that his hand has fully turned into a clumsy hoof too. Terrified John cursed under his exhausted breath and groaned as his jeans started to tear at the seams as his skeleton started growing along with his flesh, pouring too much mass into his rear for the pants to endure that. With several ripping sounds his jeans fallen off his massive ass. John felt very embarrassed as his body kept expelling all of his human clothes. His underwear didn’t last several seconds longer than his jeans. Especially as his underwear was getting tented by his growing cock and balls which were also gradually becoming more stallion-like. His ruined underwear fallen onto the floor in pieces exposing the mutating man’s genitalia for George to gawk at.

John with his continuously growing body, reinforcing with additional muscles and replacing his skin with animalistic hide decided to not give the rider satisfaction. With several loud clops of his hooves John landed on all fours, which felt relieving in a way for his spine and for his consciousness as now his genitalia weren’t that exposed under his broadening torso as when he stood on two legs. “You’re adorable. You know I can still see it, don’t you? You’re becoming an animal. You aren’t allowed to be ashamed of your body. And besides I must admit you’re progressing nicely. You already have many features of a thoroughbred…” – George commented.

John wanted to reply, but he felt like he had a lump in his throat which disallowed that, so he only managed to produce several strange noises sounding decisively equine. John’s eyes widened as he felt his neck swell with muscles and slowly start to grow longer, strangely morphing his perspective of view as his head was drifting further away from his torso. Throbbing overcame his head as its soft skin became more of a hide. The man’s hair elongated and shifted into a majestic mane.

When John felt his eyes start to bulge out slightly and alter themselves, he closed them in fear. His pupils dilated and became wider. His ears started to thin down and stretch into long, twitchy equine points. Then more drastic changes caught him off guard as his skull was put under unimaginable pressure. John’s eyes shot open just in time to see his face start to push out into a blunt snout. As his jaws slowly started to surge outwards, they stretched his facial features.

His nose started to widen and its flesh was becoming more gummy, plumper and darker. His lips changed similarly as they were getting more adapted to a herbivorous diet of a large animal. “Ghn- Gheeighlp… Mh-Mheeeeeigh…!” – He neighed pathetically as his mouth was continuously pushed further by his growing muzzle. His head was getting massive, but luckily his neck was almost fully equine and able to withstand the weight. George didn’t fret hearing the former human in front of him scream for help as those screams sounded almost entirely equine and so they wouldn’t bring suspicions.

John breathed hard through his flared out nostrils, stomping his hooves hard nervously as he felt like his head wasn’t done changing yet, but there were different changes which grew in intensity. His body spasmed as it grew even bigger, the final shapes of an equine were pushing their way through the remnants of his human body.

His chest started to swell a lot as everything inside of it expanded and altered to fit the new species. John neighed in discomfort as his ribs grew thicker and his ribcage gained a barrel-like shape which felt overwhelming. All of his organs changed, even in his lower torso area. His stomach bulged out slightly to contain his grown digestive track. The relatively short brown fur covered most of John’s hide covered body at this point.

His legs, all four of them at this point fully rearranged into a quadrupedal equine alignment. They were now lithe pillars of muscles, which unluckily for John disallowed him to get back onto two legs. John’s spine started to grow thicker and stronger. A pressure built up in his tailbone. Slowly a fleshy appendage started forming above John’s muscular ass. It slapped against his solid muscles as it grew longer, until it slowly reached its final length and became a full-fledged tail. It sprouted long, dark horsehair and just in time to cover most of John’s shifting anus, which puckered and darkened to fit his new stance and body type.

The changes slowly were reaching an end. John was still disoriented by his new vision, perspective and confusing quadrupedal body. He was now way bigger than George who stood in front of him. It was somewhat soothing to know that despite the grotesque changes John was the stronger being now. John thought about his muscular body, his attributes to replace the fear of becoming a horse. It worked too well as suddenly he felt a slap against his stomach, then another and another.

John neighed in pleasure as his lengthening cock kept slapping against his strong stomach. His balls have darkened and started swelling larger, potent with virile equine seed replacing the human one. His foreskin started changing drastically and becoming more of a sheath that enveloped the base of his increasingly equine shaft.

His cock was fattening up and lengthening considerably. It was painfully erect and to John’s surprise he felt like he didn’t need hands to further stimulate himself. He made slight movements with his rear and forced his shaft to hit his torso. He closed his eyes and felt his dark scrotum hug his enlarge balls tightly. John felt his head flatten at the top and his muzzle extend to its final equine shape, full of thick herbivorous teeth. His fat upper lip rolled back and with one more slap a massive orgasm overwhelmed John.

He jumped up managing to balance on two legs, he reared up as his cock flattened at the tip and an equine crown encircled it. With that several thick ropes of cum shot out of his dark stallionhood surprising even George. The scene looked both erotic and majestic as John, now a strong, brown thoroughbred stallion orgasmed while rearing up staining the stables with his cum.

He didn’t manage to stay on two legs for long at all though and quickly dropped back onto all four hooves. He panted hard, only now realising what he did. John would have blushed if he’d still be able to. Instead his slightly black visage stared at the shocked George. “Whoa. I saw you endured the transformation rather bravely, but THAT? It was… Well a display of your power most of all I think. You’ll make a great race stallion.” – George chuckled and brough John’s mind back onto Earth completely.

John neighed in protest as he calmed down from the orgasm. He wasn’t some racing animal, he was a man – He snorted angrily at George and hit him with his muzzle almost making the rider fall over. George, once again caught off guard by John’s stoic attitude grimaced.

“Do you want me to fill you with more magic? The sort that influences the mind?!” – George asked sternly. John lowered his head sadly and shook it in disapproval. “Good. Then just do what your altered body tells you to. You may still be you in there, but some instincts always resurface. How else would you walk without knowing how to place your legs by instincts. But enough of the prattle, let’s put the riding equipment on you…


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