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Man into Male Coyote Transformation Story | Willing | NSFW | 1st PoV | Slightly Painful | No Body Horror

I always liked coyotes. Sleek, somewhat compact wolves – Despite them being carnivorous and predators. Just how the nature created them. I visited the zoos many times to adore those creatures, but naturally those were short and temporary sightings of them. Sometimes I wish there would be a way to see them more often. If it would be possible, I’d gladly become one of them – I’d still find life as one more peaceful and pleasant, than whatever the bureaucratic world has brewed up for me.

I had similar thoughts from time to time and tonight is no different. I can’t fall asleep despite it almost being midnight. I touched a weird plant on my way back home and now my ankle itches constantly. Worse yet I feel the feelings spread over my entire legs. I’m not an expert on that, but I had good info that the plant couldn’t have been poisonous, so I just ignore the symptoms.

The feelings don’t subside and I decide I have to check what’s going on with my skin, since still itches. I get the quilt off myself and I instantly realise what’s wrong with me. “Shit! I-I’m growing fur… Th- I- And it’s just like that o-of a coyote… No way…” – I mutter as I stare at the light grey, dull orange and red fur sprouting all over my legs and creeping upwards.

I can’t believe I’m actually turning into a coyote. Is it because of the weird plant? Or just a dream come true? Maybe- “Uhn! Oh- Of course…” – I moan as I feel the fur cover my hips and groin which starts to change itself. I reach out a trembling hand to feel my changing shaft. It starts to come out of the foreskin folds and I see my glans changing shape in my bare sight.

My heartbeat quickens as I realise I’m really becoming an animal, my favourite canine and now my equipment shifts which is highly arousing. I see my glans narrow at the tip and sharpen out into a canine point. My foreskin folds back and reforms into a tight and warm sheath at the base of my shifting cock.

Meanwhile my balls churn as they remold into their canine counterparts. I feel them becoming slightly rounder as the human sperm inside of them is dissolved and replaced by the virile coyote one. I yelp as my cock and balls start to slide slightly lower into more feral position. My cock gets more erect than ever and starts to tilt upwards until it almost touches my furry stomach. I realise it has formed a penile bone inside which will keep my manhood permanently stiff basically, even when not erect. I feel my canine sheath fuse with my stomach.

“Man I lh-looove it… I’m going to be a cute coyote! Nh-hn a good coyote!” – I moan as I start to stroke my continuously shifting cock. I see more veins form and become visible on my cock’s flesh. In general I see my shaft becoming more red. It gains a more streamlined shape as my glans loses its human shape completely.

I stroke my cock as I form something round and firm form at its base. I gulp as I realise my cock’s forming a canine knot. It swells at the base, gaining its iconic shape, stretching my furry sheathe and making me whine in bliss. I grab it and slide my hand over the entire moist length of my canine shaft. I arch my back after a few strokes as I feel my completely altered balls clench and my cock pulsate. My cock spurts out multiple ropes of coyote cum all over my fur which finished covering most of my torso by now.

I pant lying on my back, I already feel like an animal, but I love it. My orgasm slowly subsides and I calm down a bit enough to look down at myself. It’s freaky to see my entire lower body covered in coyote fur, especially when its also covered in cum – I’ll either have to get into some stream to wash it off my fur or I’ll lick it off myself when I’ll fully change! I stare at my red rocket bobbing above my furry stomach and I wonder what changes are ahead of me specifically if this one was so enjoyable.

I still feel horny so I reach my right hand to stroke myself as I change, but then I realise that my hand looks weird. I change my mind and instead of fapping more I examine my hand and realise that it already started to resemble a paw mostly. My fingernails have blackened and erupted into curved claws. I turn my hand and I realise that flesh underneath it started to swell out in places forming distinct paw pads.

“Well, bye, bye hands I guess. Won’t miss you, I hope.” – I say to myself as I feel the bones in my hands contort and shrink into more compact shapes that would really turn my hands into completely indextrous paws. I grimace shocked as the changes actually hurt a bit – I thought they wouldn’t, thought they all would be pleasant.

I grunt as I stare at my shortening fingers, it looks quite dramatic. “Need to stay- Ugh! Positive, this is what I want…! The pain will-gh be gone soon.” – I try to comfort myself. My eyes widen as I watch my knuckles drift further away from my wrist as my bones lengthen. My thumb is pulled higher on my arm and becomes completely useless as it turns into a dewclaw.

I feel my ears start to twitch unnaturally as they start to reshape. I feel that very well and as they grow into canine points. I decide to get to my bathroom and see the rest of my body change in front of a mirror. I get off the bed which is difficult with bones realigning in my feet. I barely manage to stand up, on my tiptoes as they turn into paws similarly to my hands earlier.

I stare at my nose cross eyed, it’s already turning moist, black and starts to change shape. I see it widen in my field of view – A much more pleasant change than my skeleton painfully reforming into a more feral one. I shake my head feeling my altered ears flop a bit and I stumble towards my bathroom.

With each careful step it’s getting increasingly harder to walk on two legs, but I’m determined to for now. I feel that my paw pads formed on my feet and toenails have elongated into black claws, but my legs are still very human-like anatomically. Not for long though, I feel them creaking and becoming digitigrade somewhat unpleasantly.

I jump inside my bathroom and barely manage to catch myself with my paws against the sink. I sigh with relief, my bones ache less when I rest against the sink and am practically on all fours already. I shudder with each snap of my legs as they gain a digitigrade alignment. I realise I won’t be able to get back onto two legs again.

I shrug while I’m still able to and look at my reflection in the mirror. “Whoa! My ears and nose… Oh, and my teeth, slowly sharpening into fangs. This is amazing, worth some pain!” – I reassure myself as I stare at my increasingly canine reflection. Indeed my teeth throb in my gums as they grow way sharper and bigger, mostly my canines as the name would suggest.

I stick out my tongue and realise that it’s gotten slightly longer and still grows, since it will have a muzzle to rest in soon. As I inspect my reflection closer I realise that my human hair is gone, but already replaced by my greyish-red fur which I’m thankful for. I see shorter fur start to encompass my face.

My lips are starting to darken and become glossy until they fully blacken and become distinctly canine. My vision changes and a few colours fade from my vision as I realise that my eyes are morphing. I can’t help, but stare in awe as my boring, human eye colour is replaced by elegant amber. I grin and notice how much my dentition altered already – I can guess I’ll grow more fangs once my muzzle will start to push out.

I have to readjust my stance as I feel my spine start to pop and thicken, get more pronounced on my back and lock me in feral stance. The jolts of discomfort cumulate in my tailbone and I realise what that means. I feel the pressure release and I gasp as a stubby tail starts to grow out above my butt. I see it wag behind me enthusiastically and reassuringly. It grows into a full fledged canine tail and gets covered in pretty fur like the rest of my body at this point.

I grunt as I feel my neck creak and change position on my torso to a more feral one. My neck thickens with muscles and becomes more flexible. I can’t help but howl timidly in a bittersweet manner at the realisation that my human voice is gone forever.

More of skeletal changes happen as my hips narrow some and my pelvis rotates forwards locking me on all fours permanently. Now the actual transformation starts as every organ inside me starts to change shape and size – I’m changing species after all, nothing of the old me will remain. I just hope my mind will so I can appreciate becoming a coyote.

I crane down my neck and look underneath myself to see the changes there. First of all I realise that my canine cock has slid into my newly formed, furry sheath. The feelings differ considerably from what I used to know my entire life. Besides that I realise that my stomach has sank in a bit to give me a more lithe silhouette. There are also barely feelable sensations – Rows of somewhat sensitive spots form on my chest and stomach. I’m quickly reminded that even male canines have nipples.

I have trouble breathing as I feel my chest expand a bit, barrel out into a rounder shape. My arms are hauled upwards as my shoulder blades elongate and lock my arms in a feral alignment. I feel minor changes happening in my arms which make them less rotary and more adjusted for four-legged movement.

“Arw- Ghreeer-eeert hgrrooomes…!” – I growl with full consciousness of how silly it sounds as I feel the final changes wash over me. My head is about to fully change into that of a coyote. I feel a tension rise in my jaws. My cheekbones are shifting and moving upwards. My upper head is uncomfortably squeezed into a smaller shape, my head gets a sloped down form.

I stare back at my reflection which loses last traces of humanity and I feel my jaws start to slide outwards. I see my nose almost fuse with my upper lip as my face forms a narrow snout, which slowly grows out into a longer shape. It hurts as it completely malforms my skull, but I close my eyes and endure it as best as I can. I feel my jaws push out in several growth spurts until I feel that the protrusion on my face – My muzzle is fully grown and developed.

I open my eyes and I am reassured that it is true – I almost can’t believe that the coyote staring at me in the mirror is me. It’s so bizarre to see an animal staring back at myself in the mirror. I feel the last subtle changes progress – Most notably a few more fangs grew out of my gums to give me a fully canine dentition. With that my transformation is finished, I became an actual coyote.

I adore my visage in the mirror making funny faces. Now that the slight pain and discomfort is gone I’m actually happy that I became a coyote. I don’t think there will be anything that will change my mind. I can’t wait to get out of my house and run through the countryside freely. I can always get to a national park where I shouldn’t be shot by anyone. A peaceful life on my own, until I’ll find myself a mate and a pack! There is just so many aspects of turning from human to animal. I’m so thankful that I kept my mental humanity, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to cherish my new life – I’d be a simple coyote without consciousness, not in the human meaning anyway.

I jump off the sink and run on all fours into my room. I’m a bit surprised by how easily I learned how to move on all fours, almost as if my instincts helped me with that. I jump onto my bed and stick my head through the open window to howl in bliss for what I’ve became. Right after I hear more howls in the distance and I realise they’re calling out for me to join them. I glance back at my room, my house interior one more time to pay respect to my old human life. Then I jump out of the window and run with a tongue out towards the howls that call out for me…


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