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Man into Male Deer Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful | Medium Body Horror

Tom suddenly woke up from his sleep, he understood that wherever he was, he wasn’t in his bed. The light was very bright all around and so he had trouble opening his eyes and adjusting his vision for a moment. In the meantime he felt the soft material he lied on with his hands and wasn’t able to believe it – It felt almost like moss. Now that he got more self-conscious he started hearing birds chirping and some distant stream.

He immediately opened his eyes and reassured himself, that indeed he was almost magically transported from his bed to a forest bedding during his sleep. “I must still be dreaming. It’s apparently day already… If it’s all real then how the hell did I get here while I slept. Wait, am I naked!?” – He monologued trying to piece the puzzles together and also realising that he indeed was naked.

There was a strange shimmering sound and suddenly a bizarre looking creature appeared in front of Tom. “You sure are. Animals shouldn’t wear clothes!” – Said the little creature that looked almost like a stereotypical fae from the movies. Tom got up and scratched his head – Everything was wrong with this situation, but it felt so real. And if it wasn’t then he’d have a fun dream to remember, right?

The fae flew around Tom examining his human body. “You are an animal already in my book, but not exactly one native to the forests, so… I’ve got positive vibes today, so I’ll be kind. Do you have any favourite forest animal…?” – The fae asked befuddled Tom. Tom was confused, since everything happened to quickly, as if he was in a strange movie. With each passing second he was more sure that he was dreaming, how was all of this explainable otherwise.

Since the fae waited for the answer and her initially positive demeanour started to become bitter and annoyed Tom shook his head and started thinking about a decent answer. Unluckily Tom wasn’t very good at providing answers under pressure. “I- My favourite forest animal… Uh, a deer…? They have pretty crowns, right?” – Tom mumbled unsurely. Wolves were great too, but he thought it would be too stereotypical to answer as if they were his favourite animals.

The fae went back to her scary, overly positive attitude and flew towards Tom to pat him on the head. “You’d like some antlers, huh?” – She asked as she started pouring some magic from her tiny hands onto Tom. “Wait, what? Want them? I thought you just wanted to know my favourite animal. I’m a human!” – Tom muttered freaked out as he felt the magic start to work on him, his head started tingling. “Not for too long… Alright, done. Good luck on your new way of life, teehee.” – She stated and flew off, but was still noticeable from the distance because of the bright light emanating from her.

“Oh God, oh God. I feel my scalp throb… Am I really going to become a stag…? Well if it’s all a dream, maybe it won’t be so bad – I’ll probably wake up soon… Though if this is all a dream, then why… Why do I feel discomfort, why do I feel pain…?” – Tom said as the pressure in his cranium was getting unbearable.

Tom felt the bone tissue form on the top of his head, underneath his flesh, slowly straining it until the pressure became too much. “Gh-ahh, it huuurts…!” – He groaned in pain as his scalp was pierced by relatively sharp, bony points which slowly gained length. Tom shook his head in disbelief feeling his forming antlers’ weight.

There was also a different feeling of blood oozing from his scalp and dripping onto his face from the wounds that his growing antlers created. “This is wrong, veeeery wrong. Og God, they stil-aaaaaagh-ghrooow…!” – Tom hissed as his antlers thickened and started splitting at the top, forming many sharp points.

Tom’s eyes watered up, somewhat because of the pain and somewhat because of his shifting head – Which was dramatic by itself. Tom felt like his massive antlers slowly finished growing. They weighted his head down considerably, since his neck lacked the muscles that actual stags had – For now. Tom felt the need to grab his antlers and feel them. He was left speechless as he felt the bony protrusions that busted out of his skull mere while ago. Tom felt like holding his impressive antlers helped him ease the pressure their weight put onto his neck.

“It better be a dream, I can’t live with antlers! Not like this anyway, with no way to support themghhhh-ahh!” – Tom tried to reassure himself, but the more uncomfortable changes happened the more reassured he was that this wasn’t just a dream, even though he wanted to think it was. “A dream? Poor buck, I thought you’d have it figured out by now. This is your new reality! Better accept it now!” – The fae cackled in his head. “This can’t be… Nononono… I can’t become a simple animal! Not for real…!” – Tom yelled shattered as he felt a throbbing rise in his face.

Tom panted hard as he felt his face start to shift slightly. He glanced cross eyed at his nose which started to sort of flatten against his face. It was becoming less pointy and human shaped as it was squeezed onto his face and started to become wider. It also changed hue bizarrely, until it fully became black, moist and noticeably more sensitive. “My nose…! Why is this happening to me? I’m a good person! I have a family, which… I’ll never see anymore as a goddamn stag…!” – Tom sniffled as his teary eyes started to sting.

He didn’t even have time to mourn the loss of his life’s achievements as painful stinging in his eyes initiated their changes. Tom’s sight widened considerably and became slightly blurry, a lot of colours faded from his vision as well. His eyes became dark ambers with dilated pupils. Then his ears started to grow longer as they became more sensitive. They became cervine points atop of his head rapidly, but they along with the rest of Tom’s body had yet to grow fur.

“I don’t want to be a staaag. Reverse this, please!” – Tom cried out into the forest with his hands clinging onto his antlers continuously. “You ungrateful- I have something that will distract you from complaining.” – The fae’s voice hissed in his brain. Tom’s heart started pounding faster as he became terrified of what the fae meant. The stag-man was sweating profoundly, because of the heat of the changes, the stress and everything, but a new kind of heat arisen in his groin.

“Oh God, not there…! Nh- I-It’s changing already…” – Tom freaked out as he felt his manhood slowly remold into a staghood. Tom trembled as he watched a pink tip emerge from his foreskin. It quickly changed shape and became sharper in appearance, while the foreskin itself started to change structure and become a sheath that started fusing with his stomach. Tom closed his eyes ashamed of what was going on down there, but it didn’t help him – He still felt every pulse of his cock which gained a longer and sleeker cervine shape gradually.

As the fae intended, Tom was too absorbed by his manhood changing to focus on complaining. His entire body started to shift dramatically. Most notably his muscles thickened and started straining his skin which was becoming darker and turning into a hide. The weight of his antlers became less problematic as additional muscles reinforced Tom’s neck. He let go of his antlers as his hands started to shift along with his feet.

His hands became less dextrous rapidly as the fingers shortened and thickened, becoming barely moveable digits that would make up his cloven hooves soon. Tom gasped as he was brought of his trance by his changing feet and lose of balance. His ankles were painfully dragged upwards on his legs and he was forced to stand on his morphing tiptoes, which made him fall over onto all fours. Tom’s eyes shot open as he felt his remaining fingernails and toenails swell and grow out into cloven hooves on his deformed extremities.

“Nhoooo…! I-I can’t get back up!” – Tom wailed as he reared up trying to get back onto two legs, which was almost impossible as his skeletal posture started morphing. Tom screamed in pain as his pelvis rotated forward and locked him in quadrupedal stance. Then slightly less invasive pain appeared in his entire spine as it started popping and thickening on his broadening back.

Tom hanged his head low in defeat, just to get a flash of what his manhood became. A bobbing, pink, sharp shaft, covered with a sheath at the base. Only now Tom realised that his genitals apparently moved back on his body into more feral positions. He realised that his balls also differed from his old human ones. They were bigger, more oval and hanged below his lithe rear. Tom gulped as he stared at his inhuman privates in shock.

Tom felt the pressure in his tailbone explode and a new appendage grew out above his lean butt – His short, stubby tail. It cricked uncomfortably a few times as it grew, but it quickly gained its short final shape. The newly grown tail twitched behind him energetically, almost encouragingly for him to embrace his new species.

Tom felt his insides churn as his anus puckered and migrated higher until it reached his tail. His lower torso gained a stronger, but still streamlined shape as the changes moved upwards. Tom gasped as he felt his lungs balloon out and his ribcage barrel out into a rounder shape. His neck followed soon after, adapting to the new respiratory system and growing longer.

“Bh-eeeeesh…! Ghrooolph mheeeeh…!” – Tom grunted, this time almost completely in animalistic fashion to his own horror. His speech was incoherent and only reassured Tom that there was no going back to his past life. He was losing everything that made him human. He wondered if the same would happen to his mind. In the meantime his shoulder blades snapped and started elongating, forcing his arms to remain in front of him on the ground in a feral stance. They underwent several changes and lengthened a bit until they fully became Tom’s fore legs.

His neck cracked again as it tilted forwards and so did his head as it changed position on it. Tom closed his eyes as he felt his cranium shrink and squeeze his brain into a smaller shape. His upper head sloped down and his human features abandoned him one by one. He felt an iconic pressure rise in his jaws, before they surged outwards and pushed his black nose and mouth out into a stag’s muzzle.

As if the transformation wasn’t bad by itself it gotten gory again when Tom was forced to spit out his human teeth which were pushed out by his herbivorous dentition coming out. Tom’s lengthening tongue only helped it, as it pushed out the last loose, bloody, human teeth out of his maw. Tom bellowed loudly as his muzzle slowly reached its final size and it made his appearance decisively deer-like. Though there remained one thing. Despite having resilient hide at this point, Tom felt it start to itch as light brown fur sprouted all over his new body.

He thought about it, which meant he was still conscious, he retained his mind apparently. He sighed with relief as the brown fur fully enveloped his body – It was some sort of protection as well, mostly from humiliation of him being butt naked with his dangling shaft. Tom looked underneath him and realised that his equipment rested inside his barely visible sheath. Then he realised something else, why would he worry about humiliation when there was human live he lost. He was conflicted in his head, now fully a stag in the middle of a forest. He even heard distant cackling of the fae, but then he heard something else.

A loud gunshot almost deafened him. Tom jumped in place and broke into a run, which felt weirdly natural. He was grateful that there were at least some instincts which helped him coordinate his movements better, otherwise he’d be dead already. He heard more gunshots, but they all missed as he gracefully dashed through the woods until the hunters had no chance of even seeing him behind all those trees. Tom hated to admit it, but despite it being very dangerous – It was quite fun to run from the hunters, deceive them a bit. It was thrilling.

Tom realised that he had two options at this point: either worry about what he lost or adapt to his new life and maybe enjoy it. Since the fae seemed so decisive on changing him into animal, it seemed like there was no third option which was to turn back into a human. Or maybe it was all a dream despite being so realistic…?


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