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Konrad was a kindhearted man, living a standard small town life. Even though the environment around it was peaceful and there was a lot of nature around, which he adored. He lacked the fun in life, just routinely doing the standard human chores each day.

He had several ideas to help himself with his trouble. He tried cycling, going to bar to meet new people, surfing the internet and similar. Although most of those activities were somewhat forced by himself onto himself.

He started thinking about the topic deeper. He was somewhat lonely, maybe his significant boredom was connected to his introvertic type of life.

Maybe a pet would help loneliness, he thought one day as he was going back home from work. Since young age he always liked dogs, but didn't have an opportunity to get one.

Now he lived with his friend in one house in the outskirts of the town. That meant he would have to discuss the idea with him, before making a decision.

The same evening as both Konrad and his friend Simon were eating a pizza dinner. Konrad initiated a conversation.

"Uhm, mate. What would you say if we'd get a dog...?" Konrad broke the silence.

"Are you serious? We're struggling financially as it is, we're not able to save money now with the inflation and price increases and you want to get a third wheel?" Simon debated.

"I... I mean you're right, but... We barely chat anyway, this house is so silent most of the time. Doesn't it trouble you? Wouldn't you like to-" Konrad tried to reason.

Simon extended a closed hand towards him, halting Konrad's attempt at reasoning. "It's end of the topic, we settled the both of us would have to agree on something for it to take place in this house." Simon said as he slowly began to open his hand.

Konrad noticed a small vintage amulet with a paw symbol on it. "Wow, what is this? Where did you get it?" He immediately questioned his friend.

"I found it in the attic as I finally managed to tidy it up. You won't believe it, but it was hidden under a rotten plank, so intentionally. I don't need any baubles like it. We won't get a dog, but you have this thing as a consolation prize..." Simon stated and handed the amulet to Konrad.

"Whoa... Thanks. I wanna uncover this thing's secrets, it looks valuable." Konrad explained and nodded as they started cleaning up the kitchen.

Later in his room Konrad peacefully examined the jewellery. It seemed to be made out of silver, but the paw appeared to be onyx. It seemed to be made with passion and purpose.

It appeared to Konrad like an interesting coincidence that he found an item that apparently had something to do with dogs that specific day. Nonetheless he shrugged at this and decided to try it on himself.

For a second he thought he wouldn't be able to put on the amulet, because it's chain appeared to be too short for a human. Though with enough effort he managed to get it on him.

It looked relatively well on him, but also somewhat out of place. Out of this century even. On a young man wearing modern clothes a renaissance bauble looked odd.

Still, it was a nice finding and after checking himself out in the mirror Konrad decided to keep the amulet on himself. Wanting to keep it close and find answers to why was it hidden in the attic and what was it's purpose. It didn't seem like a plain noble jewellery, it was too stylised.

It was evening. Konrad with a decent mood proceeded to finish his chores. He was tired after the exhausting time at work and wanted to go to sleep soon.

He was ready to go to the bed, but went to the kitchen to make himself some tea first. In the kitchen Simon was also readying himself to go to sleep soon.

"Oh, I see you're really enjoying this bauble. It's surprising, but it looks great on you." Simon said with a smile as he looked at his friend.

"Uh, thank you..." Konrad blushed. "I-I forgot to take it off, I was checking the web earlier to learn more about it, but no luck so far, of course. Maybe tomorrow after work." Konrad smiled back and finished preparing his mint tea.

"Alright gentleman, goodnight." Simon said.

"Night mate." Konrad replied as they parted ways and went to their rooms.

Konrad jumped onto his bed. He was about to take off the amulet, but he felt a weird hint of sensation coming from it. As if the amulet was emitted a faint warmth. Konrad realised he must have been imagining things. It was just a dead metal trinket.

Konrad touched the amulet just to make sure it was an ordinary item. It felt cold to the touch of his hand, rather normal. With the amulet in his grasp Konrad slowly started feeling lightheaded, sleepy, careless.

"... I'm just... Tired..." He mumbled as he collapsed onto his bed and almost immediately felt into an unnatural sleep.

Konrad slept deeply as the amulet started emitting heat again and infecting Konrad's bare body with it. The amulet started glowing as the time passed. So much so that Konrad slowly woke up from his sleep trance.

Konrad gasped as he noticed the bright light on his amulet and a weird feeling on his chest. He took off the amulet in a rush and thrown it against the wall without a thought. Right after the amulet stopped shining and was seemingly broken. Konrad woke up fully and frowned at his rushed actions, but why was that thing suddenly glowing?

"Huh? Oh God my...!" Konrad cried out, covering his mouth in mid-sentence. He blinked as in the dim light of the moon he noticed as his chest itched and slowly began to grow tan fur.

Konrad took his trembling hands off his face and touched the fur he just started growing. "I-I must be d-dreaming, this is a nightmare..." He mumbled silently knowing his friend was sleeping in the room next to his. He'd die in shame if Simon would see him sprouting fur.

The changes were happening too fast. Konrad got too lost in thoughts and now as he glanced at his chest again he noticed it was entirely covered by a rather long black and tan fur. Konrad slowly sat up and shuddered feeling his previously bare body get covered by a distinct pelt of fur.

Suddenly he bent over in pain as more intense changes clamped at his ribcage. "Ghhhnnn... My chest, so... Tight... Awh!" Konrad was unable to hold his whines in as his chest slowly started barreling out and reshaping the organs within it making the man choke as his lungs slowly reshaped.

Konrad panted silently as his chest slowly ceased to change. He glanced down at it and noticed how it resembled that of a canine, he was certain of it now. "Wh-what's happening to meee... I- Is that... No, God, please no!" Konrad exclaimed as he examined his canine chest. He realised he was somehow turning into a dog.

"I... Gah... Fuck. My stomach..." Konrad silently grunted in his dark room, still doing his best not to alarm his friend. It was increasingly hard as he felt all his human organs remold inside his stomach cavity. Konrad heaved as he felt queasy, he felt like he'd vomit, but the feelings were illusionary. Slowly his stomach caved inwards and thinned out becoming that of a lithe canine.

"No, no, no. I wanted a dog, I didn't wan-ahhh, to become... One. Please stohp it!" Konrad whined as he thrashed on his bed feeling the changes along with fur slowly reach his lower body.

He groaned in pain as his hips cracked awfully, forcing him into a different sitting position as they changed along with his spine. He touched his hips, but his hands jolted away from them as they slowly and painfully cracked into a narrower shape.

Finally Konrad was forced to sit in a more bent over position. He grimaced in shame as he felt his boxers get looser on his slimming frame. He thrashed his legs to just get the confinements off him, especially as he felt something strange happening to his genital area. With a few wriggly movements he managed to throw his underwear off his body and onto the floor.

He immediately felt a cold gust of wind against his flaccid penis. He gulped as he felt the tan fur started to encircle his still human genitals. "Please, just not there... I don't want a dog's c-co-ghhhhah!" Konrad shuddered as he felt his limp penis slowly appear to get erect. In reality a penile bone formed inside it and forced the penis to bend and get closer towards the man's altered stomach.

In the meantime a soft furry sheath started enveloping the man's altering penis. He closed his eyes instinctively, unable to look at this degradation.

His cock formed new nerves and became more streamlined in shape. At the base a tight swelling feeling appeared as a distinct knot bulged out. Konrad moaned in unwilling pleasure. Meanwhile the glans' distinct human shape ceased to exist replaced by a sharp canine tip.

Konrad winced and opened his eyes slowly, just in time to see his canine rod slowly disappear in his doggy sheath which started fusing to his stomach. Konrad started hyperventilating feeling all the alien sensations and life-changing shifts. Lastly his balls altered in his fur-covered ballsack.

Slowly the changes in his genitals finished their job leaving Konrad with a humiliating canine equipment. He wished he didn't take off his underwear as he stared at his foreign groin. The changes weren't halfway done and brought Konrad's full attention to his legs as they were slowly getting engulfed by his tan fur. He splayed out his legs as he felt his femurs shorten painfully. The bases of his legs cracked making him bend them into a new position as they continuously malformed.

Konrad got onto all fours on his bed and shook with each jolt that further altered his legs into those of a simple dog. They bent in unnatural ways as they slimmed down, while still retaining a vigorous amount of necessary muscles. Konrad felt thin flaps of skin stretch from his upper thighs to his lower stomach.

Konrad realised he wasn't even able to straighten up his body anymore, not like a human would. He was forced into a mostly quadrupedal style of life and those thoughts made the increasingly dog man growl in sorrow as his legs were continuing to change.

The fur along with changes finally reached his feet. Konrad felt a need to start standing on the balls of his feet as they were twisted into a new configuration. His feet slimmed down as they elongated painfully.

Konrad felt a tension rise on his soles and underneath his toes. He felt the skin swell and puff out into callus pads, that soon blackened and lifted his feet off the ground a bit. Konrad felt his feet painfully rearrange into a pair of dog's paws as they contracted along with his toes. Fur soon covered his almost finished hind paws.

Last changes pierced his toenails as they slowly started to become rounder and slimmer at the same time. They extended out into firm, black claws fit for a dog he was becoming.

"Ah, hh, ah... Oh gosh, no... My body, I- I look just like german shepherd, nh..." Konrad panted out as his body was getting horridly tired of the prolonged transformation. Konrad straightened up on all fours, preparing himself for another painful wave of changes as he looked down at his arms and cringed knowing he'd loose them right away.

The dread risen slowly as he felt the blackish-tan fur slowly creep onto his arms as they cracked and became less mobile. Konrad knew he'd soon loose his hands, but it felt even worse to loose them at such slow pace. His thoughts were rushing. Should he run for help while he still was somewhat human? Should he-

"Aaaaaghhh my hands... No... Nooo!" Konrad screamed out uncaring if Simon would hear him. He was in too much pain as he flexed his fingers when they started contracting in on themselves and shrinking into stubby useless paw parts.

The fur devoured his entire arms by now and his hands were already practically rigid. They shrunk further, becoming paws of a dog in a painful manner. Konrad felt the familiar feelings of pads bulging out of his palms.

Konrad shivered as he felt his thumbs crack and get even more useless than the rest of his morphed fingers. What were his thumbs slowly shrunk almost completely and got pulled higher onto his stretched slim forelegs becoming dewclaws as the said claws pierced them. Soon the rest of his fingernails painfully curled into wicked claws.

A few tears of disbelief fallen onto Konrad's duvet wetting it with despair as the unfortunate man watched his hands finish becoming canine paws. He couldn't help but look at them, even as he knew they'd just torment him further. He was almost completely a dog now, he thought with teary eyes. "I- I- I should get he-arghhhhhhaaaaaaah Ghod...!" He suddenly screamed out caught off guard as he realised his back wasn't done changing. His spine painfully throbbed as it slowly became more protruded on his altering back. His shoulder blades completely rearranged forcing him to be permanently on all fours. His back cracked as his entire torso was finishing changing.

He whined pathetically as his spine started lengthening in agonizing pace. It slowly started fighting with his tailbone, until it started creaking and unfusing. "Mmghake it stoppp, pleeeeaseee!" Konrad pleaded as he felt his tailbone slowly malform and start growing out above his altered rump forming a small fleshy bump.

Konrad felt the small fleshy appendage wriggle on it's own as more vertebrae kept adding up to it. Slowly the lump formed into a tail. Konrad clenched his muscles as the pain was getting unbearable, he felt immense pain as if he was giving a birth to his tailbone. Slowly the elongating tail started swaying behind Konrad as it finished forming.

Nerves and muscles enveloped the fleshy and bony appendage. Konrad turned his head around and noticed the bare tail swaying in a storm of emotions, soon it started growing blackish-tan fur he got somewhat accustomed to on the rest of his body already.

"Jes-sus Christ... I feel i-it. I've grown a t-tail..." Konrad whimpered in a silent voice of a madman as he felt like one from all the changes that altered his body into the shape of a common, yet noble dog.

"Erh... Enghough... I need to ghet help, nharow... Aghhhnrooo!" He tried to reassure himself that he still had his voice, but even that was leaving him as his words came out distorted and resembling a dog's whimpers. He realised it was too late to call for an ambulance.

It was too late to fight it he thought as he felt his neck crack and rearrange. Fur slowly started infecting it and spreading upwards towards his last human body part. He stood almost motionlessly braced for the most painless changes for too long and he felt his shaking canine legs start to fail him.

Unused to his new legs and too tired, he fallen onto his soft bed as his neck was slowly done changing. He rested his head against the sheets knowing he was done for. He felt a tension rise in his head as the fur started creeping onto it.

His hair slowly disappeared off his head as black and tan fur replaced it. He wasn't able to calmly lie as his head started creaking and an agonizing pressure started reshaping it. "Agrhrhaaaaaaawrl!" He growled out loudly unable to form words with altered vocal chords as his cranium compressed on itself, making his head more sloped.

He started crying again from the pain as his head continued to shift into that of a german shepherd. His ears lost their hard cartilage as they slowly got pulled on top of his head and elongated into sensitive points. Soon his sensitive canine ears got covered by short fuzz.

Konrad felt like he was suddenly hit with a hammer as his jaws surged outwards in one growth spurt making him whine in pain. "Rawrl rmouraaaaath...!" He growled out as he noticed his mouth push out into a muzzle stealing his nose with it and slowly shifting it. His nose became more sensitive as it blackened and moistened.

His mouth ached horribly as it stretched out pulling the skin on it painfully taut, until it altered as well. His muzzle jolted outwards a few more painful times until it formed a long canine muzzle. Konrad's gums throbbed as new dog fangs emerged from it and his human teeth painfully morphed into sharper fangs as well. His tongue got squashed as it became thinner, but started elongating to fit his canine muzzle.

Immediately Konrad let out his long tongue loll out as he was unable to sweat anymore. He panted trying to catch his breath through his altered damp canine nose. Itching fur covered his newly grown muzzle and the last remnants of his bare human skin on his head. He felt the changes slow down. His eyes stung as they changed colour from green to brown. He blinked his eyes and noticed he saw slightly better in dark, but he lost the ability to distinguish many colours. The changes just finished reshaping his body into that of a german shepherd.

Last human tear slid down Konrad's furry muzzle and onto his covers. He whimpered pitifully in complete despair. What would he do now? - He thought. He was a young adult, he had a promising life ahead of him and now he was turned into a dog without a known way of transforming back into his human self. He wailed like the dogs that tried to howl to the music, but this wasn't any fun to him. He liked dogs, but he didn't want to sacrifice his entire human life to become one.

Suddenly his sensitive ears perked up and Konrad immediately turned his head in the direction of the sound. He thought he was hallucinating. Simon was in his room and fiddled with the amulet in the corner. Sorrow and misery was slowly replaced by impulsive anger.

Konrad started growling and exposing his sharp fangs, immediately bringing Simon's attention and making him drop the amulet to the ground destroying it further than it was before. "Fuck! Dude, you're... Uh... I- I- Can explain everything! H-hey, what are you...?!" Simon's voice became louder as Konrad jumped off the bed and slowly started to approach Simon.

"Konrad, pal, hey! T-the spell wasn't supposed to change your mi-mind!" Simon stammered as he slowly stood up and started retreating towards the door. Konrad halted and tilted his head questioningly. Konrad realised Simon did this to him, but he didn't lose his human mind despite his changed body.

Konrad shook his canine head and decided it would be best if he'd calm down. He was turned into a dog and Simon might have been the only person able to help him now. Simon noticed his friend's change of attitude and stopped retreating.

"... Good boy..." Simon silently said and Konrad immediately growled at him annoyed for calling him like a dog. "Chill, dude, please... I can fix this. I... I know this is hard to believe. I'll tell you everything, just don't freak out..." Simon continued making Konrad whimper. Konrad was the calmer and more timid of the two. He wouldn't hurt his friend nonetheless.

Konrad sat down on his haunches as Simon towered in front of him and went on. "This amulet... I didn't find it in our old house, dude. I inherited this amulet from my grandfather. He always told me some crazy stories about it being magic... You, you wanted a dog so much. I knew you loved them. The amulet supposedly was able to transform people into dogs, but... I- I swear it was supposed to be temporary. An-and who would have thought it would w-work, r-right...? He-heh..." Simon trembled in shame as he explained it all to his friend.

Konrad growled pitifully and brought his forepaws trying to grasp his doggy head in dismay at what Simon did to him. He barked at Simon for messing up his life. "I'm so sorry Konrad... This is all my fault only, but I didn't foresee you breaking the amulet either man... Now I have no idea how to turn you back. Seems like... You'll need to get used to living as a dog for some time, I'm so sorry again, we'll turn you back one day I sw- I'll do my best..." Simon said as Konrad started whining again.

Konrad felt a hint of relief knowing what and why happened to him, but that didn't help him anyhow. He was stuck as a german shepherd from now on! He approached his bed and jumped onto it, almost falling off it still somewhat unused to his dog body. He laid down on the bed, mad at Simon for what he did to him without his consent. He knew Simon didn't mean to hurt him , but that was so typical of Simon. He always acted impulsive without thinking about consequences. He didn't even ask Konrad if he would want to be a dog temporarily, now he's stuck as one for God knows how long.

"Konrad... Please, try to calm down. Don't bother yourself... Uhm, with your new anatomy too much. I'll try and get the amulet fixed, there must be a way to turn you back. I'll take care of your public life, if you'd allow me to, you know - job, family and all... We'll make up some excuse, hopefully for a short while." Simon tried to bitterly comfort his friend.

The propositions just made Konrad more upset and sad. He had a loving family and was a reputable worker... Now Simon would lie to them? When he caused all this? Konrad turned around to Simon and barked at him annoyed once more.

"... Alright... I get it. I understand you don't want to see me tonight. I'll do my best to help you man, won't leave you like... This..." He gestured at Konrad's dog body and left the room without closing the door, probably for the best since Konrad didn't have hands anymore to open them even.

Konrad had all sorts of thoughts in his altered head. He was interrupted even in that when he heard Simon yell from the kitchen. "I've prepared food and water bowls for you dude if you'd want. Remember, we'll figure something out tomorrow, hopefully!" Simon informed Konrad who was getting really annoyed by Simon's attitude.

Water and food bowls? Why did Simon start to treat him like a dog so easily! He was turned into a dog, but only temporarily... Right...? - Konrad pondered as he looked in the mirror and saw his bitter canine muzzle staring back at him.

To be continued...



I love this series. I hope there is a part three soon. :P