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A long, long time ago, as a youngster early in High School, I made a corny, over-the-top "super-spy" character called Kelly G. Brannon ("K.G.B.") who worked for the American C.I.A. His nemesis was a Soviet agent called Christov Ivanovich Andropov ("C.I.A.") who worked for the Soviet K.G.B.

The series was goofy, cheesy, and ridiculous on purpose-- a parody of the "super spy" genre in general and the Roger Moore James Bond era in particular, with insane science-fiction gadgets and campy dialogue. Don't get me wrong, I loved those movies even as I recognized how silly they were, as that was part of the fun. 

I have three or so stories involving K.G.B. of the C.I.A., and every so often I scan some in and clean them up, and go over the handwritten dialogue with a computer font so they are actually legible. The spiral art tablets they were written in are old and tattered, the scans aren't the best quality, and I have to do a lot of clean-up, some of which barely makes the pages readable... but these are really my oldest all-original comics that aren't based directly off of some franchise. 

I've featured a KGB story before, but it was a long time ago, and I finally got around to scanning in the next story, "Adventure in Cairo". My art style was loose and silly and everyone is drawn really short and stocky and kinda chunky-- I was drawing as fast as I could and not worrying about anatomy or proportions or whatnot.

Anyhow, I shared these with friends so really never more than maybe a dozen or so people saw them before, but now I am sharing them here because (I think) they are goofy fun. So I will post them over the course of next week while I take a small break and get ready for more regular stuff in December. 

I hope you enjoy these old comics of mine. And interestingly enough, the character K.G.B. is still active in the BOHICA Blues universe as a C.I.A. agent that takes himself way too seriously even as he thinks that a Fedora hat, trench coat, aviator shades and a cigarette are still the best disguise ever. 

I may draw modern versions of the cast, but I don't know if I would ever resurrect this series since the comparisons to "Archer" would be too obvious. 

Anyhow, here's a sneak peek and I'll post more in the future!



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