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Hey everyone! For those of us in the northern hemispheres, brace yourselves: Winter is Coming! In some cases it feels like it is already here! As I type this, my home town is already getting pounded by what is supposed to be an inch (2.54 cm) of snow. 

Of course, I know at least one person reading this is in Norway, who probably laughs at such a paltry amount of snow. But for us, it is the start of a cold season. 

But I just wanted to update the latest Roster and shout out to those who support my endeavors at Patreon. Because of this support I am not only able to sustain operations, but will soon be able to expand them as well. 


A lot of new supporters have enlisted in the Battalion, so I wanted to share with everyone a list of upcoming attractions. The following is not a list of "stuff I'm working on"; this is a list of stuff that is already competed and scheduled to auto-post. These are in the bank!

This is not all there is, though; more stuff will be added for December. 

There will also be a special award given out in early January for supporters that qualify. What is it? I won't say, but you should be able to send it to appropriate people on Valentine's Day. 

More Upcoming Stuff Without a Set Schedule (yet):

More things will come in 2021, as mentioned before, including:

* Some special comics about the Military Working Dogs

* Random silly comics unrelated to BOHICA Blues

 * Printing of the second "BOHICA Blues" trade paperback, "BOHICA Blues: Line of

* Attending the opening of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library's debut of the "Drawing
  Fire: the Political cartoons of Bill Mauldin

Join the Battalion at Patreon to be kept up to date on all these projects and more!



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