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I have a lot of these! There is a lot of personal momentum behind the "Empires" universe so once I get started on the new reboot (without the furries) it should go fairly easily and quickly. Above: a sketch of Barona, and what I think was an attempt to draw Barona if she were cleaned up and done up nice.

That said, I will probably also re-issue the old furry version in a new format, since as I started posting these I have found that there is still a lot of interest in these old comics. They would be a handy way to stir interest in the new series, and apparently there's some nostalgic fondness for the fanzine "Yarf!" and the old Empires stuff in general among the modern furry community.  

Above: a hypothesized version of an older Barona, now a Corps-level commander.

Barona as a Colonel.

A sketch I did as I was wrapping up the series.

Morrigan, all cleaned up.

Saddam Hussein, back when he was relevant (and alive) trying to kiss up. Maybe get some pointers as well.

Until later!



John Bandow

I could see Barona becoming a General.