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I work in an office where we have things called "A-Files", these are our account files, basically, and I know them only as "A Files". My job is a Records clerk, so I need to keep track of them, know where they are, who controls them, and making sure they are secure but available and get to the people who need them the most. 

There's a lot of jargon that goes into these A-Files, mostly a lot of legalistic bullshit that I don't know (and have neither need to know nor interest to care). But some of our adjudicating officers like to come up and toss around their acronyms and stuff like they're all important. All their jargony bluster means so much crap to me, and I made this meme image on the fly and put up this poster.

My supervisor tore it down after a week but I still have copies ready to hand out as individual flyers if needed.  



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