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Hello, and welcome to some more BOHICA News!

We've added a new Sergeant and there is plenty of room for more! Join before sunset tomorrow and stick around until January 1st of 2020 and you can get a free "BOHICA Blues: Mobilized!" full-color collection of the earliest BOHICA Blues comics! There's some new commentary and two pages of character profiles that has not been seen by the general public. Character profiles *are* being posted here at Patreon, but you have to join to see them!

The book is printed in literally in the mail right now! Well, actually, it is in the back of a UPS truck. I will be distributing books for Patreon supporters by January (people at the Platoon Sergeant tier will get theirs immediately) and I will also be at the Boise Comic Arts Festival this August 24th and 25th so anyone coming through Boise can stop by and see me there. 

I am already putting together pages for the next book of collected comics, "Line of Departure". I don't know when it will be ready but I will try to have it done by the end of this year, or at least in time for Border Town Comic Convention in Ontario by around March of 2020. 

I am also working on a re-release of my old 1990's "Empires" sci-fi action comics, with some commentary and new color covers. This will hopefully pave the way for a reboot of the series entirely while also stoking the fires of some of that sweet, sweet, 1990's nostalgia wave that will be coming any day now. 

Stay tuned, more stuff to come-- the next BOHICA Blues webcomic will be on August 1st and we will be stoking a different fire of nostalgia, this time for an old comic by DC. Here's a hint:

--so hopefully you'll find this interesting. 

So until then, stay tuned and there is more to come!



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