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I just sort of assumed that enough people would be familiar with the TV game show "Wheel Of Fortune" for this to work... that's the challenge with pop-culture references; there's no guarantee of universal familiarity, much less appeal. But then again I suppose the idea of spinning a random wheel to see what kinds of "prizes" come up is pretty straightforward, so knowledge of the show probably isn't all that necessary. 

Regardless, we changed uniforms almost constantly while at Camp Victory, enough so that I began to wonder if it really was some sort of random selection device making the decisions. This comic revealed to me that I needed more of my Battalion Staff personnel fleshed out for occasional use; I did eventually have the portly, balding "Major Cole" (shown here in an early form as a Sergeant-Major) be a recurring background character in the webcomic as the S3 (training) officer, and of course I eventually gave the Sergeant-Major position to Rufus Hoddson. The S2 (Intelligence) officer was taken by Captain Wronick and then later by 2LT Mizrachi. I never really did much more beyond that, unless motor pool Chief Ben McCoby would be considered in that strata. 

I had a lot of comics take place in the chow hall since it was one of the few places where we could all gather and talk more or less freely and meet up with friends and colleagues from other parts of the Battalion.  It was also where the comic was posted each day, so anyone reading the comic would already be inside the chow hall and be familiar with it, and so the background and setting was guaranteed to need no explanation.  It was also kind of "neutral ground" since a lot of people on the base couldn't leave-- the nature of their jobs meant that they lived and worked on Camp Vic North so too many "outside the wire" comics would be unfamiliar and possibly alienating. 

For use in the webcomic, though, I have blog posts that go with each comic so I am free to explain what I feel needs explanation, so for this comic I put Mirav Mizrachi and in a Humvee with Cecalia Glass and had them drive across the post to get to the AAFES mall... a chance to show a bit of the world outside the confines of the chow hall and Pad 8. 



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