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Those of you in the "Sergeant" tier and higher have been able to read the "Empires" science-fiction war story that I did back in the 1990's. The "Empires" setting is supposed to be huge, a galaxy's worth of adventures, and I had plans for multiple different storylines to be placed in it, most of which had nothing to do with them or very little inter-connection beyond the setting. Basically, a sandbox. 

One story I did was called "Borderline" and it was going to feature a small, out-of-the-way garrison on a distant border planet with a very small population. They would be next to another space-faring nation, not as technologically advanced but close, and they were kind of weird-- they were lizards, and had very odd norms and social structures and would sometimes erupt in random, spontaneous border raids on their neighbors. 

There were reasons for all this, it was't just a plot device. The alien lizards would be peaceful and okay, then go crazy (from the point of view of outside observers) but the point is this small border world would be overrun by aggressive invaders. Hence the "Borderline" title. 

On the side of the defenders, our protagonist "good guys", the centaur-like aliens were just joining the government and eager to prove themselves. They had a lot of cultural baggage; many people thought they were still too primitive when they joined the Alliance and they were going to be social charity/basket cases, unable to adapt to galactic civilized behavior. So a squad of these critters were posted there, and that strained things somewhat.

The story was going to be short and run in a fan magazine in Tampa, Florida called "Mythagoras". Unfortunately, the editors running "Mythagoras" sunk a bunch of money into a dishonest print company that took off in the middle of the night with not only their hard-earned cash, but all originals. Every customer they had got rippe doff, and "Mythagoras" happened to be one of them. It pretty much killed the effort and it died after a couple of issues. 

I was going to team up with an artist at "Mythagoras" named Maggie deAlarcon, and originally I was going to provide the pencils and she was going to provide the inking. Her schedule filled up too quickly, though, and I ended up doing all the art myself, but she did help with some of the promotional stuff.

The top picture is with my inking, the below is one version of it with her inking. You can probably spot some differences, some of which are quite obvious, while some are more subtle:

It's too bad the "Mythagoras" project failed, they were good people making a real go of things, but from my point of view it may have been for the better, since it meant I was no longer tied down to the extra project and could do more of my own things.

Same picture below, with color:

Of course it also means that I am free to break my story away from the "furry" stuff entirely as well, for which I am glad. Again, nothing against the furries or the furry community, but in the long run it is just too limiting for what I wish to do. 

Just thought I'd share. Until later!



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