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I found some old doodles --actually, old comics and comic characters and some game characters-- that were created but not much was done with them.

Above is EOD Cat, or Explosives & Ordinance Disposal Cat. EOD is basically the military's "bomb squad". They have a reputation for being weird and a bit high strung, while at the same time oddly casual about life-or-death things like literal ticking bombs.

Before I got to Iraq, when I was still in training, I made "EOD Cat", and he was a crude, cussing, hard-drinking cat that smoked too much and drank too much coffee. He had a "pokin' stick" for poking bombs as his primary weapon, and he was somewhat inspired by "Bill the Cat" of Berkeley Breathed's "Bloom County" series. 

EOD Cat had a partner, the young and idealistic wiener dog that never really had a name, but I recall I was going to officially name him "Schnitzel" after a Dachshund owned by my uncle & aunt when I was a kid. Whereas EOD Cat was foul tempered and potty-mouthed, Schnitzel was really nice and didn't cuss... but he still had that remarkable lack of concern for things like danger and mortality or impending doom.

This is the one and only EOD Cat comic that I made. The Marine Bulldog says:
"You Army boyz is soft; you need us Marines around to clear the way, 'cos we got the backbone!"
Schnitzel than says, "Hey, Cat, when you have a moment, my pissin' just uncovered a ticking thousand-pounder."

As the Marine bulldog shrinks down to the size of a toy poodle, ol' Cat flicks away his cigarette and mutters, "Ah, shit."

This was a surprise find in one of my old folders-- a game character for a game I don't remember. I don't remember the character, or who the character was for, or if it was just supposed to be an NPC for a game. She was obviously for some sort of supernatural adventure of some sort, but I have no recollection whatsoever of her.

This was another collection of game characters for an RPG that some friends of mine made way waaayyyy back when I was an Active-Duty Infantryman. It was a post-apocalyptic survival game sort of Mad Max with Zombies. This would have been in the late 1980's which explains the fashions and "big hair" of the female characters and NPCs. It was a fun game and for a homemade RPG I recall it was pretty thorough and complex. 

That's all for now. Until next time!



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