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Some changes in the Battalion roster! Welcome our newly-enlisted Specialist, Rohan Tolstrup! Also, a former  Sergeant got to step up to Platoon Sergeant, so congratulations to Chris Hopkins! Our former Platoon sergeant is still with us, but at another level of support. 

So regular followers to the Patreon page and the daily webcomic know that it has been a busy and turbulent month. A series of minor scheduling setbacks in the real world caused me to skip one comic but BOHICA Blues was able to get back on track by the next day. 

And here in the Patreon page, there was a recent mix-up with the scheduled posting of the "Empires" science-fiction comic I am posting. Not only were some chapters mixed up (I deleted the out-of-sequence ones and posted the chapters in proper order) but I had apparently forgotten to schedule the May 15th post. Which was weird, because they were scanned in, resized, and saved but for some reason I just never remembered to schedule the actual release. I posted them a few days ago and the June 1st chapter is already scheduled to post on time. More chapters to follow-- we're only a third of the way through Book 2, and there are 4 books in total.

In other future projects, I've gotten some developmental sketches from another artist for a medieval-fantasy story I am developing, and there's discussion about another project involving real-life wolves.  Updates to these projects and more will be posted at some point in the next couple weeks, as well as a ton of developmental stuff for the "Empires" science-fiction series reboot (it will have a different name, and aliens instead of furries).

Books are going to be published as well, and that is what has been taking the bulk of my concentration   for the month. I hope by this weekend to send stuff to the publisher and have it in hand in time for the Boise Comic Arts Festival in August. Be there if you can and I can sign your books personally! I will be releasing more information about the Boise Comic Arts Festival soon, as well. 

That's all for now, stay tuned for more stuff right here in BOHICA News!



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