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One night your boogey neighbor knocks on your door when you open the door. She looks panicked and worried and asks you if everything is okay if you need help.

Bogey Monster Girl: 

They embrace their target tightly in their big, soft arms. That gentle, warm embrace has the power to alleviate the target's anxiety, nervousness, fear, and the like, so no matter how stubborn the person may be, once hugged in those arms, they will want to indulge in her affection like an honest child, spontaneously entrusting themself to her soft body. And once their prey is rendered powerless in this manner, they start relentlessly soothing, consoling, and so on, until the prey stops crying and their sadness is healed.

Script by LearnTWF 🤍

I hope you like this upcoming audio..it is something else and i think it's really interesting :) <3! --

Much love daliah xx




mother daliah/mommy daliah 😳 the heartbeat on left ear and voice in right ear got me good 😩 i was laying down on my left ear listening to this and once you started saying those reassuring lines i just felt so safe 🥺 im tearing up a bit IRL because your voice has made me so happy and now its made me so safe! i was about to get up and then the voiceline was like "its okay you can let your body relax" whatever stress i had in my body is definitely gone and i feel so much better after listening! thank you so much daliah 🥰

daliah asmr

thehehe i am happyyy you liked the heartbeat variation :3 <3!! and you are such a sweetheart, i am happy my voice makes you feel sad - i never expected such words and they fill me with gratitude. happy it helps destresss <333