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After your ex broke up with you seemingly out of nowhere, you never expected to get any closure surrounding it. However, to your surprise, you receive a voicemail from them years later and you finally get to learn about the unexpected dark truth behind your break up. [u/yukira27 on Reddit]

A little different of a voice mail this month....! Did you like it? I'm interested in your thoughts...?

Much love, daliah xx 




brb crying omg this felt like when you get the bittersweet ending of a video game 😭 while i could comment that there could be more emotion expressed such as anguish over the parents or more sadness around the "i still love you," i think your execution of the lines tied it up perfectly. the ending felt felt cold, but warm and super powerful :3

daliah asmr

bittersweet is what i was going for <3! also thank you for the feedback, you are right, i should have put more emotion into it at certain places! thank you <3 :3