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The war has been long and tiresome. But, after decades of battles and casualties, it has finally ended. The Human King has fallen, leaving his kingdom in disarray. Pockets of resistance fighters remain, but easily squashed by the Empire. The listener, a brave commander of the once proud Kingdom, has led these groups in fierce acts of rebellion. The commander has been recently captured, and the soldiers have orders to bring this commander to the Empress herself at one of their base camps.

Script by u/Anonymous_Scribes

Do you have any title suggestions...catchy but accurate? 🕷️🕸️ Also, did you like the story? What would you do? 

Much love, Daliah




feedback: i think the beginning pace was a little too quick and some lines need more empty pause in between them. for example "blah blah blah *empty pause* so you're giving me the silent treatment" middle and end sentence had good pacing if you want a title idea it could be "Caught by Spider Empress's Web" i liked the story! it has some nice build up and a good resolution


“Spider Queen wants you… to be her advisor” I really enjoyed it hope you make it a series❤️

daliah asmr

aaa thank you phibs!! appreciate the feedback! 🤍🐧 One day...one day i will nail the audio down completly from start to end - just you wait!! / & that title is amazing, i might use that!!!