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You come home from work and your girlfriend is ready to cuddle you until she finds you with someone else’s jacket (by Deca900)... 🙈

First Exclusive Audio of the month...and there still will be more :) <3! (Once my exams are over, I will spoil you all)! So don't mind the shortness, there will be plenty more for you. ♥️🐧

Question: Are you the Jealous Type? 

Answer: Hmmm... i think i'd definetly trust my partner and not be scared or anything..., but still could be jealous or possessive haha. But depending on the situation. I think in the storys scenario I would just go ahead and ask and then....probably say the same thing. xD 

xx Daliah 




i think the footstep sound effect could be a little quieter otherwise your kisses in this one are immaculate 🥳

David Searle

Yeah why would I want to smell like anyone but my hunny bunny anyways - pouts - Daliah smell or nothing 🤡