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I hope y’all don’t mind me asking you to do some thinking for me, but in the past I’ve gotten some truly invaluable insights from you when I’ve asked for advice.

Without getting into too much detail right now, a few months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. Now that I know a lot more about it, I realize that it’s something that has affected me most (all?) of my life in very significant ways, but I had so many misconceptions about ADD/ADHD that it was never really on my radar. I’ve been thinking about making a vlog-type video about my personal experience with this and posting it on my main ASMR channel. The video itself probably will not be particularly ASMR-y, but I’d like to publish it there (instead of my secondary channel) because:

A) It would serve as a bit of an update on the personal work I’ve been doing over the past few months, and offer some insight into why I’ve been returning to work so gradually,


B) I honestly would just like it to have more reach. The more I learn about ADHD, the more I learn about how many people go undiagnosed because they’re not aware of the different ways it can manifest in a person (especially for those who don’t display the typical signs of hyperactivity). While this video may not be particularly interesting or relevant to many of my viewers, my feeling is that it would still be worth it even if it offered some potentially life-altering insight to just a few people.

I’m having a hard time narrowing down exactly how I want to approach this—I really want to get it right. So I’d like to open this up for any of you who want to offer any kind of thoughts on this—whether it’s advice, questions for me to consider, or even just some encouragement.

Thanks for reading and, as always, for your support and kindness. I’m including a selfie I just took as proof I’m still alive and well.😉 Love you all.






Rookie mistake. If you want to use a picture to prove that you're still alive, you need to be holding a copy of today's newspaper. Clearly you've never taken a hostage before. Also, I second everyone's supportive comments and would be very interested to hear about your experience with ADHD. *hugs*


Would be cool to hear from you in a weekly vlog, just to see how you are. Would also like to learn more about ADHD how it actually affects a real person and not reading about it on a wikipedia page. Makes it more intimate.