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I saw a specialist today and am making progress on a diagnosis for a number of chronic health issues I've had my whole life (that have gotten progressively more severe in recent years). I have more tests scheduled in upcoming weeks. I'm (honestly!) doing well mentally and emotionally but I'm very sick.

Also, my two year old daughter, who has had a lot of developmental delays, was recently diagnosed as being somewhere on the Autism spectrum. I'm excited about the diagnosis, because it means we can start working earnestly toward a treatment plan that will help give her whatever tools she needs to live whatever kind of life she wants to live.

Again, I'm doing well with all this. However, both issues mentioned above have been overwhelming, time consuming, and very expensive. Health care coverage in the U.S. is not very good, for those of you who aren't familiar with our insurance system. My family has relatively "good" insurance that we pay hundreds of dollars for each month, but still: simply getting a diagnosis for a health issue (never mind treatment) can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many people in my country. Many people here have it much worse.

I hadn't intended to make this post overtly financial or political, that's just an insight into something that's a big part of my everyday reality right now.

So that's my update. As in previous updates, I don't want to worry anyone, but I also want to keep you informed. I am going to try to record an informal video today in which I'll discuss what's going on in a little more detail.

Thank You, As Always,
Thank You For Everything,
Love You.
- JB



Hey jb I think you are resilient powerful amazing woman


Take care of yourself JB!