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1$+ TIER -->

  • Can now vote on semi monthly (2/month) polls

    I made a fuckywucky a couple weeks ago and accidentaly made my poll 1$ instead of 5$ and I was so excited to see that many people finally participating to them so I decided to move them down :) The polls are my own ideas, I have a little explanation of how they work in my patreon header text !

+5$ TIER -->

  • Now get the PSD archive - It was at 10$ but I decided to move it down as well.

+10$ TIER -->

  • Now get 10% off commissions when getting one
  • Can now suggest things twice a month - FANART ONLY ! All details/rules are copypasted on the post on which I ask people to comment their thing but essentially it's a Comment character + Theme/general/vague idea and leave the rest to me ;) If I need any help figuring something out I will contact you to get more details/brainstorm since you might know the suggested character better than I do ! (*ideas for the succubus (since there's been some shared around in the past) do get a pass if there's something fun you have in mind and you think I might enjoy ;3)

    This new explanation/sum up has also been edited to the header text.

+20$ TIER -->

  • Now get 15% off commission when getting one
  • Can now suggest things twice a month - YOU GET THE OC PASS ! Basically same at 10$/as it was before but instead of only linking your OC 1/2 times you can do it both times - You will be able to suggest two options as well if you feel like it and have lots of stuff in your idea bank (an option A by linking a ref to your OC and an option B if you also have something fanarty as backup).

    All details/rules are copypasted on the post on which I ask people to comment their thing - For fanart I ask for featured characters + a theme/general/vague idea and you leave the rest to me - If I need any help figuring something out I will contact you to get more details/brainstorm since you might know the suggested character better than I do. For OC ideas I just wanna see the ref and if I like them I will contact you privately so you can share with me all the things you've considered for pose/ideas :)

    This new explanation/sum up has also been edited to the header text.

I edited my header text with those new adjustement and explanations and also already edited the reward lists for all tiers !

I think I also finally saw the "pay upfront" option to be available for me to enable ! So starting next month, after the july charging period, I will enable it and add a notice in the header to warn people about it to wait before pledging if they wanna do it at the end of a month ! :)



The bigger tier I had (was marked as unpublished to prevent new people from pledging if someone was dropping since I was already aiming to reduce the workload but basically anything that has [name] [month] R as file name in the archive) was honestly holding me handcuffed to my desk and I couldn't think of any long term projects without stressing about how the fuck can I pull this off with my schedule - Animation, make some art to get a table with one of my lewd friend at my local con or on the even longer term, expand the household --- Or even just have a friend over for dinner or clean the house once a week for that matter hahaha

After having discussions with concerned pledgers, I was due for a rework because my body and mind has shown heavy signs of burn out and exhaustion. So I'm removing most of the slots on that tier - I offered a 'I'mSorryIHadToDoThisPlzNoHate' discounted pic for July to the people that volunteered to drop or I couldn't make up time for since I usually announce those changes about two months prior and hoped it could make up for any issues/help digesting the news.

I'm keeping enough of them to be financially secured/not rely on side commissions if I need some slack or have an ongoing project - a number that will be more reasonable for me and that will be out of my way in the first half of the month, leaving me with the second half for anything I feel like doing. Taking on an animation, do other pics I've had in mind for a little bits, do con merch for whenever the time will come and I get that darn table with my lewd pal or take on commissions (through twitter where I will announce dates and guidelines).

? It doesn't affect the majority of patreon pledgers but I still thought I'd share what was happening behind the scenes with you :)

SO. Basically, with the previously explained procedure, I'm using July as a little transition period to get adapted (myself and the concerned people) to those changes and in August everything will be properly set. Whenever I plan/am ready to open commissions I will announce on twitter a certain date to be expected and will probably make up a googleform to give me all infos I require to properly estimate time and quotes. I’ll go through my inbox after said period and depending on the size/details and my schedule I will only be able to select a few (between 5 and 10). BUT that is for when the time comes and I'm ready :]

That's basically the whole plan currently !

As announced in the discord as well, some change are coming over there too, have this adorable little infograph Lia & Jakko made to put in the server ~ The changes were due because I avoid talking about my patreon on my twitter account since I don't want people to join and it's just the yakuza 2 nursery scene all over again with how much people roleplay in general chats and it makes it heavy and uncomfortable at times for all kinds of people - so this is will taken care of better and will be a lot more user friendly to choose your own pizza topping while also eating all at the same table !

Thank you all for your support and for reading !
I hope you are all having a top notch week ~


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