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Hey guys !

As stated at the top of the page and following every 6 weeks of constant work, it's break time for me ? That means the weekly patreon work/schedule will be paused for the week as I will take a little moment to breathe after being so busy lately & I will complete the leftovers/backlogged files/take care of my long overdue to-do list !

That means I won't post summaries & there won't be streams but I will be checking the discord server once I've taken care of everything ! Since I will probably not have any work left to do on monday/tuesday on the week following the break, regular schedule will resume as usual on Wednesday 4th to start sketching rewards for July.

I will still doodle for fun on the break though, I have a few succubus related things in mind :) Same for the next suggestion post ; I would have posted it on 23rd but instead will be posted on the 30th ! I will do some small changes and will post a big sumup of what has been done by wednesday - I'm doing it before the charging period in case anyone will want to edit their pledge for July ~

That's all I wanted to say ! I'll complete leftovers/things in progress and should have another BIIIIG archive dump later in the week/by the 4th since I wanna doodle a bunch of succ stuff :)

TLDR : Schedule is paused this week for personal sanity reasons/to breathe, do some cleaning, see friends/relatives and complete files gathering dust in my folders. Upcoming suggestion post will be up on the 30th and streams will resume on the 4th to start working on July rewards - Tier Tweaking announcement will be posted by this upcoming wednesday.

Thank you so much for your time, support & have a wonderful week/weekend ! ?


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