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Did you watch our new episode about eelgrass sea hares? We hope you loved the video as much as we enjoyed your submissions for our latest coloring challenge!

These "strawberry lemonade" sea slugs have a lot of personality, and the artist Jess has "been a fan of the channel since it started!" She's "a huge lover of invertebrates, so I'm happy the focus is often on overlooked critters." What inspired her to use these colors?  "In the most recent episode when Laura said the eelgrass sea hares looked like zebra striped jello, I wondered what other "jello" slug flavors could be out there –– which is how we ended up with pink lemonade hares! Nudibranchs are such a delight, thank you for making such engaging content about some of my favorite animals!"

Poulami Saha participated in our starfish coloring challenge, and she's returned with this beautiful version that bears a close resemblance to the eelgrass sea hares.

Here's another lovely, naturalist rendition of the sea slugs from Kapeto K. Rotokha, who's sent us many drawings for our challenges. He "really had so much fun colouring and learning about sea bunnies and how they help contribute to the marine ecosystem."

24-year-old Yaser Al Misrea of Saudi Arabia is also another "big fan of the channel. I was excited to see the coloring posts and thought of submitting this time around." He graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in geology, and "art has been my hobby since I could hold a pencil. I am self taught and love everything art related. I never liked biology, but Deep Look brought back my love toward the science of living things. I mainly got inspired by the eelgrass' beauty and how such small creatures can have a major impact on the environment ... also their relationship with the plant is cute, peaceful and beneficial to both parties."

And this eye-popping neon duo was sent to us by Ba Ri.

We have one last coloring challenge coming your way, so be on the lookout for the next one!



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