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And now she's safe.... right?

Man guys it's been a real shit show at my house this fall season. Im helping out my family with various tasks and if kind of been forced into a bare bones approach for the time being. That means I haven't been able to work on fun side sketches or my usual workshopping of my art skills and just work on the major rewards like Comics, Shorts and Pinups.

I've also had another crisis pop up last week (it never ends) and if you follow me on twitter or are in my discord, I've opened up some emergency commission slots as Im going to be working in the red this coming week.

So, for the rest of the month, I'll be hammering out a few commission comics that some of you have been waiting for as well as our November Pinup winner, which turns out may be a little short of its own.

Everything will be fine; the next Devout update is scheduled for early December.

Thanks as always and I love you all!




Oh yes sure, she's safe now, but how long she'll be? 🤔 Nice page 👍 I wonder what this glowing thingie is and what it'll do 🧐

D Banks

holy water river for protection?


Thank you! Yeah generally when your womb has a demonic curse on it it doesn't bode well. 😅


I guess that's why we have gynecologists nowadays 😝


Now there's an idea for a character. A demon hunting gynecologist.


You never know when you'll need one 😆 I bet the lady here didn't expect she would need one when she puts on her boots this morning 😝