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I will be starting the Friday and Monday Schedule ASAP, but as I have said before, I have a manuscript due soon. I will get the next chapter in soon, hopefully tomorrow. This one should be around 5000 words. I am working on adding in the downtime and storyline planning elements that you all have requested, and I would like to get them right. I have them written, but I need to fill them out.

There has also been a change of plans with book three (the one where Project Rewind was revealed). I was going to retroactively add The Final Straw to it, but, as you all know, I decided against that. Book Three will have an extended sequence related to the Black Snow, but it will not get an extra storyline.

Sorry if I seem frazzled, but deadlines will do that to you. June 30th can't come soon enough!


Josh Pfleeger

You’ve been doing a great job from my perspective making us patrons feel involved, no stress on the schedule. You haven’t left us on a cliffhanger!


Excited to see more of the Black Snow! The sequence where it was introduced is one of my favorites. It's the thing I was hoping you'd revisit the most. Not only is the concept of it horrifying, but the way everybody knew being trapped in it would be spell certain death might be the last time I really felt like everybody was in actual danger and that i was reading a horror story. I was already hyped to listen to Adam's narration of it in book 3, but knowing that we're getting a longer look at it has me wishing the book was out already. Keep up the great work!