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I always find it difficult to encapsulate my feelings for each of these films. This one certainly took it up a notch. Supernatural births, imprinting on infants, wolves and vampires fighting....enjoy!


FULL REACTION - Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1

Enjoy watching along with me the full-length reaction!



To answer one of your questions, these movies are based on a set of books and just like Harry Potter and Hunger Games, they split the last book into two separate movies. So the wedding, honeymoon and birth was the first half of the book. I had read all the books well before they were made into movies, so I knew what was going to happen, to answer your question at the end. If I remember correctly, the books weren’t toxic like they made the movies. I’m a hopeless romantic so I was invested in the love story and I loved the way Edward would speak because he was from a different generation and as you mentioned, he’s very poetic. I tried to ignore the vampire/ werewolf stuff as much as I could and treated it as a love triangle.


I know the idea of Jacob imprinting on a baby is creepy but you need to realise it's not necessarily in a romantic way. It can be him as her friend or brother but above all he is her protector. He is WHATEVER SHE NEEDS. It is something that is beyond his control and the one he imprints on is actually the one in control. The CGI baby is notoriously bad, but if you think that looks awful you ain't seen nothing yet! Originally they had an animatronic which they called Chuckesmee because it resembled Chucky. It TERRIFIED the actors on set and I understand why. Here is a BTS on it: https://youtu.be/7jOuy-HOcg8?si=9CdDEJYNkZ6LuTQw Fun fact: Maggie Grace, who plays Irina (the pissed blonde chick from the wedding) played Ian Somerhalder's stepsister on LOST. If you don't know, Ian played a vampire on The Vampire Diaries AND he is married to Nikki Reed who plays Rosalie in Twilight.

Pai M

In the deleted scenes, Edward did beat up Jacob for the imprinting


When Bella realized she was pregnant, it was so moving. I've had a surprise pregnancy and when the shock wore off, everything was different. My heart was instantly big enough to love my little one. Bella/Kristen Stewart was really able to capture that moment of realization, acceptance, awe and instant love.