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I thought the first film was crazy! This one just brought a whole new level of toxicity to it I have never seen in a film before. Not going to lie though it was super entertaining seeing just how many times these characters could emotionally manipulate each other or do something just plain insane. Enjoy :)


FULL REACTION - Twilight: New Moon

Enjoy watching along with me the full-length reaction!


Heather Geer

Your facial expressions and responses in this one are so peak 😂 And YES, why can’t Bella just be a teenage girl who is single for a bit? Definitely manipulative relationship decisions here left and right lol.


I always liked this one the most because we learn about the wolves who are infinitely more vibrant and "real" than the vampires - plus we see Jacob coming into his own and he's a vastly prefereble choice for Bella than Edward. My main issue with the whole series is that I really dislike Bella, there's nothing special about her and she strings poor old Jake along. I find Edward so unattractive that it's hard to understand the attraction, but as I mentioned last time, I'm Team Jacob all the way! Actually I think I lean more towards werewolves/shifters being my favourite supernaturals across most fiction, in True Blood I adore Alcide and Sam (and Quinn in the books), and Teen Wolf is great... vampires are fun too, but the Twilight vampires are my least favourite type just because they're a bit silly. Having said that, Emmett, Jasper and Alice are great.

Timothy Panngam

I think you thought that Bella's visions of Edward were actually Edward intruding into her life - but they were actually just delusions that she was having.

Timothy Panngam

While I definitely agree that no one should use this series as a guide to healthy relationships, I'm not sure why we take those relationship's so seriously - as if Bella is the star of a reality show. This is a fantasy sci-fi novel involving relationships with vampires and werewolves after all. What should the expectations be in a relationship with a monster?


Hey Oscar, you mentioned that Edward keeps showing up and won’t let Bella move on and that’s very toxic. Edward is not showing up, it is Bella who keeps seeing him in her head. That’s why she was doing dangerous things, because she realized she could see Edward.

Stella Keil

True, Jacob thinks he is badass, but I actually believe he kinda IS. I mean Wolf-Jake is BEAUTIFUL and the werewolves in general are so cool. (If it isn't clear by now, I have always been team Jacob.) But hey, if Bella's taking Edward than I'm more than happy to become the wolf-girl

Choux D Bruxelles

Depression is no joke. I almost went insane with mine. You get so lost and lose track of reality ... it feels like you are falling down a bottomless well and can't breathe. I think they did a pretty good job showing how mentally sick she was, and her hallucinations were an extension of her madness setting in. It's a shame they removed some of this movie's extra and extended scenes. There are some great moments that would have added so much to the characters. Do you know Taylor almost lost his job between movies because of his size? In the books, Jacob was so much taller and bigger, so Taylor worked hard to buff up to keep the job. He's still too short, but good on him for working so hard.